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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Of course everyone has their own preferences on what is more enjoyable to themselves. The main point I was attempting to get across, was that if it were the latest occasion with her, then from what I observed the occasion was at least half hidden if not more, and was obscured using a sheet or blanket pulled up over her left knee while it was raised, and attempting to keep it in front of any staight on views of what she was doing as well.
  2. I think perhaps the best thing would be for rlc to find out who you are and throw you off of the site and ban you from it. Then no one would have to be as concerned about putting up with such nonsense, neither the site admin. of someone such as yourself being phsychotic enough to keep paying for something to continuously keep bitching and complaining about the same old shit, and continuously denigrating some of the participants of their site as well, nor the visitors who are members of this site who who have seen more than enough of it, nor yourself because then you would have been forced into not paying for something to continuosly complain about.
  3. Unless I missed an occasion related to that, if the last occasion referred to was when there was a sheet or blanket pulled up over her left knee to obscure most of what was occurring from a straight on view from cam #16, but although was able to be noticed and determined what was actually occurring more from a side view from cam #15, I'm not so certain that should not be considered as being hidden to an extent which appeared to be more so than not. Again, if it was the same and latest occasion as had occurred with her previously, even though it was considered obvious of what was occurring, very little was actually displayed in much of any detail because she was trying to obscure as much of the occasion as she was able to with a sheet or blanket from what I observed of the occasion.
  4. Yeah right. Judging by your apparent phsychosis of both your current and past state of mind, you are certainly hung up on psuedo lesbian issues. Like two women that have been friends for many years, that take some time to massage or rub one another in various areas, even though if not in any intimate areas, that is also obviously your phsychotic view of such matters. It will not be surprising that the next thing you will be trying to claim will be none other than any two women on the project looking at one another are as well. As I mentioned earlier, you are certainly no mind reader and have no idea what actually may be going thru anyone elses thoughts or minds. Even if they decided to do something more, it would certainly be between them and considered their personal affairs. Not suggesting or claiming that either of them or any of the other particpants of rlc may be, but there are such things as being considered bi-curious to an extent for some, and even bi-sexual for others. Such as evidently is the case where the human condition is concerned in life for apparently many people nowadays, and more so than ever before. It seems that not many others really care other than you and perhaps a few small minority of others who want to do nothing but mostly bitch and complain all the time. I suggest you perhaps either cancel your subscription to rlc, or grow up and get more of a real understanding in life. Maybe then other things would seem more real to you rather than being so hung up on a subject matter of psuedo lesbian issues that you actually have no real clue, nor any proof as to how much, or how little may actually be genuine affection between two people.
  5. It was noticed that Amira opened the door and walked into Monica's room while the lights were off and Monica was trying to get herself off. I guess that Amira must think that just because it may be something that she never does, that no one else must not do it either. She is something else.
  6. They are also both quite attractive women. It certainly would be really nice if they chose to share more of their affections for one another whenever they may choose to do so, rather than keeping most of certain parts of their interactions obscured. It has seemed to be quite enticing and exhilarating when they have.
  7. Sure would have been nice if Holly and Megan had chosen they were in a mood for something more when they chose to caress one another yesterday while listening to some music together. Although it did seem somewhat unusual that it was Megan rather than Holly who seemed to have initiated the occasion, as if perhaps she may have been in even more of a mood than only what ended up occurring. It certainly would have been quite nice if they would have chosen to share more of their previous interactions with one another rather than only crossed ways of a bed where views of observations were very minimal. It would be really nice for the two attractive women to share how close their friendship may be in a nice love making session where they would choose to share more of themselves rather than as in as much of obscurity. 😍
  8. Not sure if it has anything to do with anything else there lately, but I seem to recall that Linda was noticed wearing a neck brace on several or more occasions in the recent past. I hope everything is alright for her and them.
  9. No, I believe they find either humor or contempt in some of the unproven conjecture and speculations they read on here that comes from ones like yourself that make comments they have no way of proving, and yet have continuously been making nearly the same comments for many months on end now. I've never claimed that all that has ever occurred with any of the projects participants was completely done out of nothing more than genuine spontaneity, and not that some occasions may have been done for some underlying reason or reasons. Regardless, even if that has been the case at times, it has most certainly not always been the case, and quite likely not as much as has been portrayed to be in this forum. But I certainly do not always visit this forum to mainly or continuously complain about subject matter that is mostly always the same either.
  10. This is not the only forum thread where you have made or been making the same or similar comments related to some of the projects participants. This section of the forum just happens to be where you've been complaining even more about the same shit for many months on end now, so after the closure of the general chat threads, it's no wonder you would have created such a thread. Like I mentioned, you don't have any ability to read other peoples thoughts or minds, so all the complaining is no more than some form of disgruntled conjecture and speculation on your part only because they do not live their lives according to how you apparently feel they should. Well, in case you hadn't took a break in your thoughts long enough of complaining about however they may live their lives, it is certainly their lives to live as they choose to do so, and not yours. Just as it is certainly not your life to decide and choose how any of them should live, it is certainly your life to choose to continue paying for something that has been obviously unsatisfying to you for quite awhile now, but then you continuously complain about it. Why continue when it makes no sense to do so ? A really easy solution would be to stop paying for a subscription and then there should be less concern about it, or to perhaps sometimes try to comment something different about it rather than the same subject matter over and over. It really doesn't make someone seem very wise to continue paying for something they have obviously been unsatisfied with for quite awhile, and yet to continue complaining about the same subject matters overall about it.
  11. Almost every time you make comments in this forum, whether in some of the other sections of the forum related to some of the other participants, and especially in this section's threads of the forum it's the same old shit. You constantly bitch about not having some insight into the real lives of the participants, but yet you also constantly complain and bitch about what they do, or don't do, and what they should do instead. You also constantly make comments about something being real, or not real, whenever some of the participants are at the apartments, as if you have some sort of insight into the minds and thoughts of some of the participants to know for certain what may be real, and what may not be, but the fact of the matter is you don't. I know you would probably like to make it seem that you can read others minds and thoughts, but you can't, and that is another fact. But if you happen to feel so much that most of what occurs with many of the participants is actually not real, because so much more of the actual real life occurs away from the apartments, but yet you continue paying for a subscription for something you make seem so obviously unsatisfying for the most part to you, then you are even more foolish then besides all the constant, continuous, and monotonous comments of the same or similar subject matter over and over in this forum. For someone to continue to pay for something they seem mostly unhappy and unsatisfied with, and then to continue to visit a forum to mostly bitch and complain about the same old matters of why they are unhappy or unsatisfied with what they continue to pay for, makes no sense whatsoever and is completely rediculous, not to mention, but also not very wise at all. It has seemed that what you really must enjoy doing, is to continue paying some money for something your not satisfied with, so you can constantly continue to complain about it to others. Well, a little piece of advice is, obviously you can continue paying for something you have expressed over and over in comments of the same subject matter related to not being satisfied with what you pay for, but you are the foolish one for doing so. Nobody else is a reason for anyone to do so, and that includes nobody who visits this forum. People get tired of hearing or reading the same old shit over and over. Perhaps you should or could consider changing your comments from time to time, or taking a break from time to time, from the same ole same old comments of subject matter, almost every time you comment in various threads of this forum.
  12. To be honest MT, I've been wondering the same myself. Something else that seemed strange and unusual, was that it has seemed that he has been more interested in being not only on the desktop in the gr, but also on his phone then paying as much attention to her over the last day or two then what had usually been occurring there. Who really knows of course except them though. It may really be nothing even though it has seemed odd compared to how things have seemed to be there.
  13. Hello my friend. Sounds like you have a nice place for some partying also. I'm certain partying with those two attractive women would be quite nice indeed. 😉
  14. Yes it would be. But, I guess that really all depends on how big a party someone may want to have, and however many people would be attending the party. Perhaps they may not intend to have a big party at B1, but enough to have a celebration with and for Ariana.
  15. Ok. But imo, since there is alot more room at the villa, not to mention, but also the pool and it's decks or patio's, and the terrace and a backyard. She was there yesterday so apparently it must not be that far away. Seems more sensible to me to have a party some place like that rather than a smaller place with no outdoor spaces other than a small balcony. 😉
  16. Not sure why they would have decided to have a party at B1 when there is obviously alot more room at the villa.
  17. Another day that Malia looked really good and quite sexy in a new and very nice matching red bra and panty lingerie outfit today. 😍
  18. What would be even more interesting is to ever notice a day go by without you somewhere on this forum posting the same old shit over and over like a damn broken record that constantly skips. 🤨
  19. I see you have escaped the genies lamp once again. A genie who granted your three wishes and said he couldn't help that you used all three of your wishes up on the same things you continue wishing for, so he became tired of hearing the same old things over and over until he imprisoned you in his lamp. That genie must be getting tired of you escaping from out of his lamp, where he has to find you and put you back in it. Perhaps you should beware, the genie may just decide to turn you into something else, where he doesn't have to keep finding you only to hear the same old things over and over before he imprisons you in his lamp again. 🧞‍♂️
  20. Must have. But then again, seems there are quite a number of telecom service providers nowadays who offer a number of various unlimited service packages that are not as expensive as they once may have been.
  21. RLC leases the apartments and is believed to pay for the residence utilities such as electricity, gas, and water as well. All the partcipants are also provided with periodic subsistence compensations for other cost of living expenses such as food and other personal necessities either by debit/credit cards, or have deposits into personal accounts as far as from what I've heard.
  22. Seems there may have been a few Casper movies made commemorating the character and the cartoon and comic book series about him sometime over the last 5 to 10 years.
  23. 🤔 Well uh let's see now. I believe I would certainly enjoy noticing that the two friends Holly and Megan really had an enjoyable and remarkable love making experience with one another, that they both would always remember and cherish the memory of. That shouldn't be too much to hope for, although it may. If only Megan would get past some of her apparent inhibitions of such an experience with her friend Holly. 🙂
  24. Oh yes there are HF. What about Casper 👻....and he's even a friendly ghost at that. 😉
  25. Malia is looking pretty sexy in a black slip of a bit of a different style while not wearing any panty. 😍
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