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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps it would be prudent to keep in mind which topic listings which types of subject matter gets posted in. Such is the case as this is a 'Fan Page Malia' listed topic. Perhaps a more appropriate place for any criticisms of either of the two apartment residents, rather than in either of the two fan page topic listings of either of the two, would have been in the 'Leora & Malia (not for fans of residents or house style)' topic, or either to have created another topic listing related to criticisms of one or the other of the two, if any topic listing related to such subject matter has not already been created..
  2. Well, if that's the case, it surely wouldn't hurt for her to get her a box or two of tissues then.
  3. I have no idea why there may have been a decision to just use a sink rather than some tissue. Maybe at the time she did not have any facial tissue of her own and did not want to use any of her friends facial tissues or go to the other toilet room to use any of the tp of which they obviously share. I have no idea behind her thoughts, decisions, or motivations for what she does. But as I said, sinks are made for peoples personal hygiene and are constructed so that they are easily cleaned and disinfected. When I was in the service, I did not care to have to occasionally clean sinks, showers, and even sometimes toilets behind others, but it was something that was required as part of having an obligated duty. So to me, it would not be much to have to clean a sink, especially one that women always use, because they probably keep it pretty clean for the most part anyway.
  4. I've worked on residential, commercial, and industrial construction sites for over 30+ years in my life. It was actually not that unusual at all to notice or see some guys from time to time blowing out their nasal passages while outdoors on jobsites, let alone when in jobsite bathrooms in sinks. Most times someone would try to use tissue or rags or handkerchiefs. But there were quite a few times when guys must have not had any of those items and needed to clear out their nasal passages, so they either resorted to blowing out their nasal passages without anything, or to just let it run out of their noses and down across their mouths. There were even a few from time to time who would actually do that, and that my friends, is what is actually very disgusting. I've been in similar situations myself of not having anything to use while needing to clear out my nose and would choose to blow out my nasal passages rather than let it run out down across my mouth. Most times it was men that could be noticed doing so from time to time, but every now and then, even there were some women that did it from time to time as well. Someone having a need to sometime clear out their nasal passages or sinuses, is actually a part of hygiene and everyone has to do it somewhere at some points and times during their lives.
  5. Yes, this time, whatever may be causing her to not be completely well, has seemed to persist for awhile now. I can only hope she becomes completely well again sooner than later. That is something I hope for the both of them.
  6. Chances were pretty good that Malia ended up picking up whatever it was that Leora has had since both continued to leave the apartment nearly everyday and especially Leora since she's the one who started exhibiting signs of not being completely well first. Not to mention, but there seemed to be only several days where they did not do things while being in close proximity of one another such as laying in the bed and watching shows on a tablet together. As far as Malia blowing her nose out to clean it out in a sink in a bathroom of that apartment, I believe that's probably much better than her doing it while out in public and I'd bet she probably feels the same way. Besides, it's a sink in a personal residence and sinks are after all made for and meant for people's hygiene and cleanliness purposes. That's most likely why sinks are constructed of such materials usually like ceramics or even some types of hard plastics, all of which are usually coated with solutions that make them easy to clean and disinfect.
  7. Hmm, missed that. Was she practicing her swing motions by chance mate ? After all, the bathroom is kind of small to be swinging a bat. 😉
  8. Since Saturday, I've actually been thinking that it would not be surprising at all if the next thing that may be noticed, would be that her friend and roommate Malia was to start exhibiting signs of having some symptoms of not feeling completely well herself. A majority of respiratory illnesses including some of those related to no more than a common cold are contagious to some extent. I believe it may have been better for Leora to stay at the apartment more to herself than she has been since a day or so after first exhibiting symptoms of not being completely well herself. But obviously she has not other than a day or so out of nearly a week since first exhibiting any symptoms of not being completely well. So unfortunately, it is not surprising that some of her symptoms have seemed to only worsen as of the last couple of nights there. Yet, she is out and about and away from the apartment again today.
  9. If I might borrow an old catchphrase from chat with the church lady but with a slightly different twist, "Well now, wouldn't that be special". 😉
  10. Ok, sorry I got side tracked. So, what are we thanking the beautiful girls now for my feline friend...was it just for them being them while away and gallivanting along on their merry little ways by chance ? Meow ? 😸
  11. As long as what has been occurring has, I seriously doubt the current management they have will consider that. Unless they have a change in management, the status quo will likely continue.
  12. Perhaps someone should consider starting a new online voyeur based website and simply call it 'RealerLifeCams'. I'm certain that would go over well with the present rlc, but maybe if it were managed differently, enough so to keep it more real, it may could eventually surpass the current rlc in popularity, which I am sure would go over well with them as well. If so, perhaps there wouldn't be a 10 month continous decline in website traffic rankings with them as well. 😏
  13. I am aware of that and have been since the changes have occurred. But that's not the only reasons. It's also due to a deline of occasions of matters considered to be that of more significant or intriguingly interesting situations or occasions then that of no more than the normal everyday day to day occurrences in peoples lives. Certainly, most would prefer to observe something occur that is more real and genuine than not, but also most would prefer to observe something of actual unusual interest to occur than not as well.
  14. Well, one thing that can be considered as a likely probability, and that is the point that since rlc as a website business overall has been on a steady decline in traffic rankings for the past 10 months, that chances are pretty likely that what has usually most of the time been the site's main attraction or draw of attention, has been as well. Most folks know, and have known and realized for some time now, what that main attraction or draw of attention has been, and that it has usually most times always been the apartment and it's occupants usually referred to in the threads of this section of the forum.
  15. I see that, and that was some of what I was alluding to. Although some traffic analysis of page views may have had a increase between June and August of this year, they are already back down to levels before the increase started in June. Not only that, by the Alexa graph included at easycounter.com, rlc has been on a steady decline in traffic rankings from Oct. 2019 up to the present. Not to mention, the U.S. used to be at the top of the traffic rankings for the site, but now India and Italy are both ahead of the U.S. and have been since around the time or before the decline began.
  16. I as well could care less about seeing any guys. But that's just me. 😎
  17. That may not end up fairing so well for Malia if she only had temporary visa there from her home country when travel restrictions are lifted unless she has managed to get an imigration approval since arriving there. Also, after her arrival there, it had been mentioned on several occasions from supposed translated conversations that were overheard that she has a child back where they are from.
  18. Anyway, getting back to the original point of the topic, it has seemed that the apartment had reached it's height of popularity when there were more interactions between the two friends whenever they were at the apartment at the same time, before they both started spending more time away from the apartment. But also at other times when only one or the other of the two was there alone more than lately. Since then, like the overall popularity of the rlc site itself being on a decline, it has seemed that the overall popularity of the apartment there has to some extent as well. Even though most times higher thumbs are noticed for the apartment, it has at times been somewhat less as much as well.
  19. Good afternoon braul. Glad to see you could take some time out from the latest set of filming to express your thoughts and opinion of matters here. 🤠
  20. Anyway, some of the matters we have discussed in our previous half a dozen exchanges of dialogue regarding some of how things have seemed to have changed in the apartment there with it's occupants, in combination with little of intrigung interest seeming to ever occur in most to all of the other rlc residences as well, is a good likelihood on why the sites popularity and very possibly a number of customers as well, have been on a steady decline for awhile now.
  21. Actually HF, I tried to edit and add a few other comments regarding her friend Malia arriving there and becoming her roommate, but didn't get it done in time before any possible responses. I, for one, never have thought that some of the noticable changes in Leora was due mostly because of that. As I mentioned in the added comments, she also obviously has other friends there and has for some time now, and not to mention she may very well have a bf and may very well be working somewhere there at times as well. Those are more than likely reasons of some of the changes in her life other than just her friend becoming her roommate.
  22. I really never got into observing any of the other residences very much after discovering her. Although somewhat on the thin side back then, she always was an attractive woman, who imo became more attractive as time went by. Besides that, back then she did seem to be a quite intriguing woman as well. Although she still does at times, it hasn't seemed to be to an extent it may have once been. Of course her life has taken a change in directions since she relocated to where she is now, and it is a certainty that she now has new friends there that she didn't have before then. I know that has made a big difference in her life and don't begrudge her being happy or content in her life. There's been obvious changes in her life over the last 4 to 5 months, and really ever since not long after her friend joined her there and became a roommate, where things have not seemed quite as intriguing as much as once did previous to then. But it has not seemed that has been the main reasons for any noticable changes in her life, as much as the likelihood of her now having other friends there and that she may very well be working somewhere else there as well. If it is actually so, perhaps it may be a bigger factor in why there may not be as much concern for any possible cam participation as once was.
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