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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. No sir. Just that I noticed some changes in her a short while after her friend arrived there. Although those changes seemed considerably subtle compared to how noticable some changes in her seemed to be around several months later.
  2. Actually woody, I noticed some changes in her shortly after the arrival of her friend. But then around several months later, there were even much more noticable changes in her behavior and attitude as far as being a continuing participant of rlc goes.
  3. Some good points e. Let's not forget that she is supposedly involved with some other guy there now to an extent, and that if that is actually so, then it is likely that her mind is up in the clouds (so to speak) much of the time as well, even though she is the age she is. Also, if that is a contributing factor as to how her behavior and attitude has noticably changed since around the time of a short while after her friends arrival there, and even more so especially since around several months later, then she actually may not care as much, and possibly quite less as far as any consideration of how her lifestyle is ultimately being provided, as she had always seemed to do at times previous to then.
  4. If I was asked to place a wager on it and was willing to actually do so, I'd wager that Malia will return a little while later and more than likely by herself as has happened already a number of times.
  5. I've noticed that there have been some here and there at times. Still, there are those that it simply does not matter to because how often somene may be around there or not, or how often the place is empty or not, they don't seem to mind paying as long as they can see someone even if it may be only so often or whether or not anything of any unusual significant interest may occur.
  6. I never called or referred to anyone as being a troll just for stating comments that should not be considered to be factually false or derogatory, disparaging, or insulting in context or nature.
  7. To be honest New, I believe she gives it little thought compared to how she once may have. At one time it used to seem that she may have had considerations of how her lifestyle has ultimately been being provided. But it seems that most of those times have come and gone. Now it seems her mind is on things more important to her. I imagine it might not seem as much that way to her if anything was to ever occur that unexpectedly interrupted the way her lifestyle is ultimately being provided before she may be ready for such of any type of scenario to occur, such as occurred with the closure of the apartments in Russia.
  8. Well, after getting a chance to check the apartment, it does not appear that she went out with her friend after all. So it appears that it's quite likely to be just another weekend of the one known as Leora not being around, while her friend and roommate known as Malia is once again the only one there for two or more days. To be provided with an all bills paid free residence to live in along with free money just to do it, and be able to not even be around for what amounts to a week or more out of every month, evidently is quite a nice gig to be privy to.
  9. To tell you the truth, imo, it's good and I'm glad to notice that they go out together at times. To me, her friend is better off going out with her sometimes rather than staying there by herself as often as she has. But she has a child back home that I'm sure she misses and can't wait to get back to as well. So it is most likely that she is more concerned about spending money than her friend is because she has that type of responsibility that her friend does not have. Personally, what would make me happy, would be that if her friend went back to spending more time around that apartment and not every weekend away like she has gotten accustomed to doing months back. But that's just my opinion which has no reflection or influence whatsoever on what either of them do. Obviously, it seems that you would be mostly happy if her friend was not even around regardless of how close of friends they are, or how long they have been, or how often or much time she spends away from that apartment anymore, and whether that apartment would be empty during those times then or not.
  10. I believe I mentioned something that pertained to her showing up and likely getting ready to leave again and there being a good chance of it being for another weekend soon that has been occurring now for months. Even if her friend does get ready and leave with her, it wouldn't be the first time, nor would it be the first time that either she shows back up at the apartment by herself, or even if both do, if the past is indicative of such, it may very well not be long before she leaves again for the rest of the weekend. I mentioned nothing about them being in the bathroom at the same time, of which I'm sure there is an understanding between them, otherwise it most likely would not occur.
  11. Dude, they are friends and have been for a long time. You have no clue of the ways they may understand one another in their relatioship of being as close of friends as they are and likely do understand one another because you are not there and most likely don't speak their language regardless of translation apps. So to think or say something like that is not nice at all.
  12. That's your opinion of which you are certainly entitled my friend. Where I come from and the way I was brought up, folks have and show respect for their friends, and especially the ones they have been friends with the longest. That would be nothing more than her showing her friend respect and that she values their friendship quite a bit, nothing else. If she has other so called friends that for whatever reasons could not understand it, then how much of true friends should they actually really be considered to be. But, that likely would not occur because others that are friends enough with anyone, would understand those type of situations. If not, they really should not to be considered so much of close friends after all.
  13. Yeah, very likely only to get ready to do another disappearing act for another weekend there my feline friend.
  14. Somehow, I don't believe her spending a last weekend or even part of a last weekend with her friend that she has more than likely known and been friends with much longer than any that she may have met and become friends with there, would, or for that matter should be considered as dumping her friends. It's very likely that it would or at least should be understood by anyone else involved in such a situation. I'm certain that when that time comes, they will not be sure when they may next to see or be able to spend any time with one another again being the great distance there will be between them once again. I would think she would care about and value her close friend Malia's friendship enough so to let her know she does by at least doing something as trivial but meaningful as that.
  15. I agree, and do not mind at all my friend. After all, exchanges of dialogue of differences of views and opinions are what forums are supposed to be for. I did edit and add the last paragraph of comments to that previous post but obviously not before you starting to respond though.
  16. I do agree with most of what you mentioned Ste, and I will add that another reason of those times together being done imo, is because of concern about maintaining a most popular residence status which likely means opportunities of more money for them. They realize the appearances of them laying in bed together, let alone doing some of the occasional things such as the subtle touching and caressing of one another although not in intimate areas, may likely attract potential observers who may do so in beliefs they may be treated to something more than mostly usually occurs during those times. But yes, I have mentioned before that her friend has always seemed to be more of a homebody and not as outgoing as she has become. Because once upon a time, she herself did not venture out as often or spend as much time away as she has now gotten accustomed to doing, and had seemed to do so around a short while after her friends arrival there. But the main point of my previous post of comments, was that if Malia was going to be leaving there really soon, and as soon as next week as an example, that they would probably already know that to be sure, and if so, I do not believe her friend Leora would have left for another weekend, but would probably rather stay around her as much as she could before she did leave, or least I would hope so.
  17. Although I've had a feeling that Malia's time being at the apartment and a participant of rlc may be getting closer to an end time for her, because she very well could be waiting on notice that the travel restrictions between those two countries have been lifted, I do not believe that they may believe that such a time may be that close as of yet. If they did, I believe that her friend known as Leora would make a consorted effort to spend more of as much time as she could with her for at least a short while before that time would arrive. At the very least, I would hope so, and would hope she would not be more concerned of whatever else she usually does elsewhere there anymore while being presented with such an opportunity to do so.
  18. Actually, even though I neglected to mention it and include it in the opening statement of my comments, I should have rather simply stated that although I may not agree with all that you mentioned in your comments, I do happen to agree with some of what you mentioned and the points and meanings of what your comments meant. I have always liked and admired her quite a bit. Just haven't been too thrilled about what goes on there lately and for awhile now.
  19. I'm sorry to disagree my friend but I must respectfully do so. I've actually watched and observed multiple young women mature into later periods of their lives while acting on soap operas over similar lengths of time or more. Of course on soap operas it is all acting, and so there is a difference, and so most of what changes any observer may notice may be changes in someones physical appearances, although some in their mental maturity as well. But still, so is some of what is observed on rlc with some of the participants. Although mostly being so, they are not always being genuine in all they do under those cams. Sure, there's very little, if any nudity on soap operas, but someone don't have to pay to watch soap operas.
  20. Well hello there stranger. How's things been going for you ? You must have not been paying much attention to what occurs there lately my friend, because the solo shows have subsided to few and far between, and the efforts at the end of the exchanges of massages of one another have been obviously only projections of false intentions most times that they are done, and have occurred mostly only around every five or six weeks.
  21. But where are they my feline friend ? The one who has become certainly reliable about not being there for at least two days around this time of every week is not there, another you mentioned is never there at the apartment but is rather a member and occasional visitor of this forum thread, and so then that leaves Malia, who is usually there whenever her friend disappears for several days or more around this time of every week. It appeared she may have been trying to help out by doing some cleaning chores herself again there. Other than that, it will probably only be more of the same of her wondering around the apartment from place to place, either in the tub, on in a balcony chair, on the living room sofa, or in her bed to do some of the touchy feely activities in pretending she may do more.
  22. I realize and understand those points as well jimbo. What I have found somewhat diificult to understand, is that other than the fact that everyone is different and have their own different views on various matters in life, I can understand someone being willing to pay their money to see or observe something somewhere just as many do for other things in life. But, it is my opinion that there are many more that might be willing to do so, to see or observe something that involved some sort of activity, along with being able to see something usually not being able to do so otherwise in everyday life for many people. It is also in my opinion that there are those who likely are not as many as in the previous category mentioned, that are willing to pay their money just to see or observe something that involves no activity as well, when the very things they pay to see that involve no activity as well, can be found and seen in other places in life and on the internet as well for free. Again, I realize it's different strokes for different folks. But there are other places, both in everyday life and on the internet as well, where beautifully gorgeous women can be seen and observed doing basic everyday living activities on a daily basis either while dressed, partially dressed, or even some fully nude without having to pay to do so. Of course, those other places don't involve a Leora or a Malia.
  23. Some good points of which I have thought of and considered on a number of occasions. Although I suppose there have been some of those times when it may have seemed somewhat difficult to understand how anyone could consider that some woman just sitting around pantiless, although a quite nice occasion to notice or observe, could be considered so great of an occasion that seldomly is ever able to be experienced, as compared to an occasion that might involve some actual action or activity with a woman. It all goes back to everyone being different and different folks...different strokes I suppose.
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