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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. It's without any doubt that everyone has their own perceptions or views and opinions on various subject matters throughout life and it's never been any secret as to what my views and opinions on any of the women of the project were or have been. The woman in the residence who was first as a participant in the project as well as in the current residence caught my attention a number of years ago by the intrigue of some of her ways and her increasing attractiveness over time. Although she was somewhat on the thin side when first becoming a participant in the project...she was imo always quite a pretty girl back then and has only blossomed into an even much more attractive fuller figured woman. That started occurring around the second to third year of her participation in the project. It was also noticed back then that she was quite an intelligent woman...as well as quite talented in multiple ways. Imo...she was and is a woman who has always had quite good taste in various items of subject matter such as residence furnishings...as well as certainly her choices in clothing attire. She is quite a skilled dancer...and proficient in various hobbies and crafts as well. Imo...ever since my first knowing of her existence...she was and still is one of...if not the most attractive woman to have ever participated in the project. I have always had a fondness and admiration for her since first realizing of her existence.
  2. There you go again skunk...trying to think possessing little to no intelligence. Other than myself...it's the other millions of humans in the country who know that vermin such as skunk...and especially skunk...are good for nothing except being put away. So run and hide skunk...but you'll only get so far. 🀭
  3. Yeah well...I put more credibility in something that comes from someone with the parent company of RLC more so then what comes from most anywhere else. Also...yeah everyone has their own perceptions, views, opinions, and beliefs on anything they choose to in life.
  4. Wrong once again skunk ... only that there are many people who are more intelligent than an illiterate critter such as yourself. Then again ... there never was any skunk who had any intelligence at anything ... only stinking. 🀭
  5. Ahh ... there you are. I knew you were lurking somewhere because the stench was nearly overwhelming. 🀭 It's probably best that a critter with a pea brain such as you skunk not concern yourself with a subject matter of human life ... because skunks sure as hell don't get any kind of bonus for anything ... ever.
  6. It has seemed somewhat unfortunate that the atmosphere at the residence this evening has seemed unusually subdued and melancholy.
  7. From a wise philosopher...a friend...and Garfields cousin...jimbo4. πŸ‘Œ Indeed an interesting and intellectual point of view my friend.
  8. This just in folks. Unfortunately...the bath sharing show segment will be all that will be performed for tonights show. Evidently...the talented duo was not so encouraged with a turnout of tonights audience along with apparently being a bit disappointed in some comments that were supposedly made from some audience participants. So it is with sincere apologies folks that tonights show was cut so short...and it is certainly hoped that you'll all return tomorrow for another exciting and hopefully longer episode of two such talented and attractive actresses. So until then...
  9. Pardon...how dare you sir ?! Would you be insinuating that such talented actresses should perhaps deviate from a well known and much hyped performance and routine ? Why...that's preposterous and takes alot of gall...I'm here to tell you sir. 😏
  10. Although this certainly seemed to be a premature intermission ladies and gents...there should be more excitment ahead in tonights show. But while we wait...for those in the audience that may have not noticed or those who may have missed it altogether...some if the sheer excitement from tonights bath sharing show segment came when some of the hair from the OMG actress herself intermittently continued to dangle down to both tickle and itch the nose and face of her counterpart and friend...the other actress. I'm here to tell you ladies and gents...what tremendous talent the two actresses possess.
  11. Hello there my friend...and might I inquire as to whom you were addressing ? πŸ€” By the way...if it was meant to be none other than yours truly...you'll have to excuse me sir...been just a tad busy involved in hosting tonights show once again. πŸ˜‰
  12. That concludes tonights latest installment of a bath sharing show with the two actresses ladies and gents. What other highly exciting experiences could the attractive and talented two actresses have in store to share in the remainder of tonights show. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out. 😏
  13. Well now...it appears that todays highly intriguing and interesting events at the residence will include a none other then a highly coveted and yet anxiously anticipated bath sharing show between the shrewd and talented performers. One that even includes the use of the Big Pink Furry Hair Bow prop that has seemed to be curiously absent from the show for awhile now. The two are so talented...they deserve a big Hip Hip Hoorah...Hip Hip Hoorah...and some applaud ! πŸ‘ Could there be detected a hint of teasing there ? πŸ€” Well...it will have to be left up to the audience to decide at the end of tonights show. 😏
  14. Negative there keeper. That is...unless it may be considered missing something that is exactly more of the same ole same ole routine. But gee...other than that...the shows are really great. Enough so that hopefully a generous amount of potential observers may continue to find even more substantial interest in them. That would in turn provide an ample amount of cam attraction and attention for some extra compensation benefit for the two performers so that hopefully the same sort of shows will continue for awhile to come. Hopefully for at least another 20...30...or perhaps even 50 shows or more. Heck...the levels of interest generated by the shows being referred to would be difficult to tire of. I guess we can only hope of some more of the same. 😏
  15. No call or reason for such exagerations. It's just like the old saying, "you wanna play...you gotta pay". It's sure as hell not the folk's fault who can try to afford it...that the folks who can't...can't.
  16. Well I believe it's safe to think it's a wrap and so :
  17. If what was just recently posted gets noticed and read anytime soon...do not be surprised that some duds go on and it will be a wrap on todays show...if in fact it is not already.
  18. Although it is somewhat interesting and I'm sure enjoyable for them both...the orchestrator of the pair only orchestrates mainly for one reason...cam attention=more $ my friend. If any of it were ever indeed even somewhat sincere as someone would like others to believe...then perhaps some situations may have turned out differently by now. All for show. The cat and mouse routine being orchestrated is reminiscent of an old saying of that, "Someone could lead a horse to water...but that someone couldn't make the horse drink". 🐴
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