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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I will put this out there...it's likely the one who is the orchestrator of the two checked in on this thread...and did not particularlly like or appreciate something she may have read related to concerning her or them. So the orchestration of this evening got the brakes applied and stopped for tonight.
  2. Absolutely...and a good opinion it was. As was my response...only my opinion. That's what this and any forum is supposed to be about. Sharing of various opinions and points of view and debating some of the various subject matters commented on.
  3. I'm sorry to disagree. There is but one individual that is generating or perhaps a better descriptive word would be orchestrating the situation or occasions there...and it is one of the two there. But there definitely is a reason for it...and I do agree with you on that. That being that there is profit involved...and not just for the project admin.
  4. Perhaps the duo should consider some further training related to seeking employment as massage therapists and move on from the project. The occasions there have been generating so much interest they are about to overwhelm the system.
  5. Well...here we go ladies and gents. An orchestration has commenced. Hold on to yer hats cause I hope yer all strapped in yer saddles and ready for a rip roaring heck of a time ! Yeee haaa ! 🀠
  6. I knew it was lurking around awhile back as the awful stench always gives it away. 🀭
  7. Not written...but it's likely you may be on the right path.
  8. Does not make much sense that apparently now that there may be some friendly cuddling occurring with the two friends...that it has seemed that one of the two may be in a mood to be interested in some sensual playing with the other...while the other has seemed to be not much in any similar mood to be interested in much other than cuddling...when moments ago...it seemed there was some serious consideration given by her to perhaps be able to sensually play with herself. Except to the contrary...there is after all a certain reason why it would make sense.
  9. For someone who had seemingly gotten over much of her inhibitions during the first one to two years with the project...it has seemed recently that perhaps there may be some lingering inhibitions still with someone usually quite intriguing and certainly quite attractive.
  10. A curiosity that could be considered is one relating to the situations of occasions that have been noticed to have been occurring there with the two friends. That curiosity is one of whether the relationship of the two friends may evolve further into somewhat of a close friends with benefits type relationship so to speak...and if so...when or if there may ever be any of the benefits or fruits of such a relationship shared with any potential observers of such. Or could it be that there are other motivating factors involved ? Imo.. it could be considered to be likely so.
  11. My oh my...that woman is certainly quite an attractive woman ! 😍 😘
  12. It's quite pleasant to notice that she has chosen to add some waves in her hair.
  13. I have always enjoyed any privilege of observing the attractive woman exercise or dance. She certainly has been gifted with an wonderful anatomy.
  14. In addition to what was mentioned in my previous lengthy post related to some possible considerations of some noticed occasions or activities between the two friends. It had been noticed to have previously been mentioned a consideration concerning something else that had been noticed when some of the occasions or activities occured. It was related to noticing that both of the friends have seemed to have always been engaged in some rhythmical dance like moves while having some music playing on a tablet while engaging in some of the exchanging of massaging while sharing baths or laying in bed. Imo...it seemed as though the type of music and constant rhythmical dance like moves appeared to likely be some nervous type behaviors. If they were indeed nervous type behaviors...it likey would have been attributed to one of several factors why. One possible factor or reason why...may have been merely some nervousness by both about those particular types of occasions or activities with one another while in a situation of potentially being observed while doing so. Another possible factor or reason why...may have been some nervousness that could have possibly been associated with engaging in any such types of occasions or activities between the two that had never been previously explored or experienced and were somewhat nervous in relation to concerning how to proceed in the various occasions or activities.
  15. Perhaps some consideration may be given to some particular observations that have occurred during some of the sharing of baths occasions as well as some of the exchanges of massages occasions. In particular reference to noticing there have been some occasions when the two friends have both chosen to take turns in rubbing one another's nipples and breasts onto and across one another's different areas of each other's bodies...but each in the same body areas of the other...those areas being mainly the back areas, the abdomen areas, and even some of the nipple and breast areas of the other. It could be considered that some of those occasions were no more than merely some mutual sensual interaction between two close friends during some other activities considered somewhat sensual as well although not quite as much in the body massages alone. It also could be considered that those particular occasions were no more than merely some added activities to the exchanging of body massages for reasons of cam observer attraction and cam observer time accumulation for other apparent reasons. There could also be a consideration that those particular occasions may have been related to a combination of the two previous mentioned considerations. There could still be another consideration related to those particular occasions or activities. It could perhaps be considered that those particular occasions or activities occurred out of some further development in the relationship of the friends who are now also roommates. There is some possibility that their relationship could perhaps evolve into something more than just close friends. After all...they are not only just close friends and roommates now...but are also each other's companion's. Perhaps old father time will tell or let be known which consideration may be more in line with being accurate as most things are usually revealed in time. Again...my apologies for such a lengthy post.
  16. As always in life there are various perspectives, points of views, and opinions on similar subject matters from different people...because people are different from one another. If everyone was the same...obviously life would be very boring. From my perspective and point of view...after noticing much of what has been being posted and commented on in these particular threads of the forum for awhile now...and particularly since the arrival of the friend who is now also a roommate...in relation to some occasions that have occurred there with the roommates since then...imo it has seemed that there have mainly been three categories of points of views or opinions being expressed related to such occasions. Some of the occasions that have stirred some of the interests in some thread visitors who have contributed the various points of views or opinions were occasions related to the two friends and now roommates choosing to share somewhat sensual baths together while others were related to the two choosing to engage in mutual exchanges of somewhat sensual body massages. Imo...the three categories of various points of views or opinions on some of the occasions mentioned or similar have been... 1) Those who believe that nothing else further will ever develope or occur between the two other then what already has because of various reasons...some believing that although some of the occasions have exhibited some sensuality occurring during them, that they are only merely just close friends from awhile in the past...while some others believe some of the occasions purpose's is also for some added cam attention and cam time accumulations for some extra compensations. 2) Those who are hopeful and believe that perhaps there will be some further development in the relationship of the two at the residence and that it may evolve to include more sensuality and eventually perhaps involve some intimacy as well between the two roommates. 3) Those who have seemed to not care one way or the other and that it doesn't really matter to. Apparently there have been one or more points of views or opinions that seemed to have could have been considered to be that of the first mentioned category that may have also seemed to insinuate at some point that perhaps if something did eventually ever develope further in some of the mentioned occasions or similar occasions between the two friends...that there may be something not right or wrong or immoral about it...if such ever did. Although it has been my belief and opinion that would be considered to be categorized in the first category of points of views and opinions mentioned because of a combination of the two reasons mentioned also...I for one do not feel or believe that if I were after all wrong or incorrect in my belief and certain situations or circumstances did sometime develope further in the relationship between the two friends...that there would be anything wrong or immoral concerning it. Similar situations have occurred throughout history between two people who had been close friends for quite awhile, and then eventually the relationships developed or progressed into something even more. Imo...there would be nothing wrong or immoral about it. Although the two have been friends from in the past...they are there now living together as both friends and roommates now. Neither of them have anyone else there...but they do have each other. Whatever may ever occur with the two friends...is certainly their choices and decisions to make. My apologies for such a lengthy post.
  17. Good everything Leora and Malia and sexy girl and hmmm πŸ€”...oh yes...pulo filipe. 🐈 Meeoow. 😸
  18. Oh yeah...except this...I forgot. Lot's of it my friend. Only somewhere other than there. 😏
  19. Not much of much interest that I've noticed this day my friend.
  20. A sexy girl + a bad girl = a sexy bad girl. 😘
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