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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps the intent is other than what is in the avy. of which she may likely need more if that is the meaning here.
  2. As usually almost always is when such occurrences take place, such a shame and yes, quite disappointing to say the least. But then again, that sort of relationship is a precarious situation for her or really any woman for that matter to be involved in, though from my perspective, likely it is her choice unfortunately. Any situation where a woman feels that she has to plead with or get approval from a guy she is involved in a relationship and residing with on what she should or should not do and when and where she should or can go or not go and who does not even pay in any way for what is the biggest part of they're day to day lives which is the residence of where they reside, is certainly an unfortunate situation for someone. Perhaps it could be viewed somewhat differently if the guy were truly supporting the both of them. But if that were the case, then they would not be there where they are.
  3. Astoundingly attractive and sexy ! It's no wonder why I get "Hungry Eyes" !
  4. To the lovely juli' : "I've been meaning to tell you, I have this feeling inside that just don't want to subside, I look at you and sometimes fantasize, that in my dreams you'll be mine tonight, when I sometimes have you in my sights, I get Hungry Eyes, A look at you and there's no disguise, That I have Hungry Eyes, with magic passed from you to I, I have Hungry Eyes, With your looks so mesmorizing and enchanting, I get Hungry Eyes."
  5. There was a noticeable somber atmosphere of tension in the air there yesterday after someone returned from supposed employment and had gotten on a pc for awhile, when shortly afterwards, it was evident that someone was being challenged and talked down to about whatever was noticed and discovered while on the pc. There was not much communication or talk for awhile after the confrontation and exchange of words between them. It was not the first time it has happened and could possibly be a factor contributing to why some behaviors have changed over the past year and therefore could be why occurrences have declined. It is certainly a reason why I more times than not, usually attempt to be vague in my wording of statements but descriptive just enough so that regular followers usually know my meanings, unless merely statements of compliment. Because it is in fact known that what gets stated here and other sites on the net, are almost always discovered and made known to the tenants. Perhaps if the subject matter mentioned could be taken into consideration more, then perhaps some of the occurrences of interest that used to be more often, could possibly regain some its more regularity. There are ways of making statements of subject matter without being as straight forward and direct as has been known to be done, so that maybe someone does not know what is meant by some of the statements, and to then in turn give someone else flack or a hard time about anything as much or as often whenever something occurs that is discovered and found out about.
  6. Well I can now see that some of my comrades were correct in that it seems not much sense in checking out things at the residence again today since there will likely be nothing in the way of interest happening there, except perhaps with some exceptions of some visions of the lovely woman, although hard as it is to believe with one who is none other than mr. excitement there again.
  7. Even though the vision of her beautiful, sexy, and sensual display of sensuality was quite a gem of a vision to behold as always is, I somehow sensed that perhaps she was really not up for much of anything as of now, and therefore may have perhaps waited until she was. Still, she is certainly a gorgeously sexy and wonderful woman who is always a magnificent vision of beauty to view.
  8. She certainly does not lack great taste in the choices she makes of the clothing attire that she acquires and chooses to wear and especially in her choices of house and under-garments as they are very sexy.
  9. The building utilities may not yet have the boiler or furnace operating at high enough capacity for some to still be comfortable. Perhaps what may be in order for someone is to have a nice warm shower and some exercise or dancing, and to eventually engage in some thoughts of sensuality and stimulation to certainly increase some circulation and become warmer and more comfortable and to have achieved a feeling of satisfaction.
  10. The season is changing and the average temperature there is likely starting to lower as time goes on. But the lovely woman's attractiveness and sex appeal seems to only become hotter with time.
  11. Perhaps we may discover a vein of ore that will make all previous ore vein discoveries look like slivers at this particular mine. One that will perhaps produce great nuggets of eye opening beauty of various degrees beyond any previous discoveries.
  12. Hahaha, I certainly hope so, and welcome back fellow miner and friend jimbo4 ! Hope your holiday went well.
  13. Wow, what such a great weekend of interest at the RLC residence usually referred to in this thread ! I would make a claim for it to be very surprising for there to have only been 5 post comments made because it has been such a great weekend of interest, but I will refrain from doing so because in doing so would be the pretense of a false claim. Unfortunately the mining expedition of which I embarked on over this weekend, failed to yield any positive gains. Regretfully, not even any false excitement of discoveries of any fools-gold, or even any fools-gold particles or dust. In consideration of how things have proceeded and progressed recently at this particular mine, it is actually not surprising. I have been pondering and giving thought for some time now, as to whether or not the particular mine of referrence is actually becoming played-out as most all mines usually always do.
  14. Apparently there was a message received and then the time was noticed and then abruptly the show was interrupted. So perhaps we now may know the answers to my curiosities now it appears, and so apparently it will be once again likely that there is no time for fans or admirer's this day which will likely lead into a long weekend without much of any as well unfortunately.
  15. You are so right Rock, and I could not agree with you more as to her being so gorgeous and attractive. I have been curious though, as to what she may have enter into her thoughts and mind on this day. May there perhaps be any chance of her allowing her thoughts and mind to wonder into a direction of possibly delving into some of the depths of her sensuality ? If so, will there be perhaps any possibility of her allowing her thoughts and mind to wonder and explore those depths, enough that it instills any desires or urges in her for any enjoyment of satisfaction and fulfillment of ultimate feelings of release and bliss that may only be achieved through some form of, or multiple forms of physical stimulation ? The answers are only available in the lovely and sexy woman's thoughts and mind as for now and as to how she may come to feel as her day proceeds. However it may, she is without a doubt, certainly quite gorgeously attractive and sexy, and a really nice looking woman to have any visions of.
  16. If you have already attempted to contact both RLC Support and Segpay and neither of them assisted you in resubscribing, I do not know of anything else to advise you to do except for maybe to keep trying.
  17. Because of the respect and admiration I have for someone, I try to be considerate as to what I state here in this thread of the forum as it is known that what gets stated here, gets known by them.
  18. It has been said that she used to work at one of the correctional institutions there in they're hometown. At one time, she used to dress in a uniform very similar to that of a police officers uniform when she worked there. That was quite some time ago though. She is very gifted and talented in a number of things, and especially in arts & crafts and dancing. It has also been said that at one time she was into ballet, which could be part of and a good reason why she is really quite good at dancing.
  19. She is certainly gorgeously attractive and sexy ! The bra and panty set she chose to adorn today is amazing ! She has such good taste in quite a number of things including and especially what she chooses to dress in and wear. What a special woman she is. Her companion Paul should feel very fortunate and grateful to have her.
  20. As long as such insinuations are made, it will not happen no time soon, if ever, when what gets posted here, usually is known there.
  21. Way to go jimbo4 . That's the way to be a gentleman bud, which I always knew you were anyway.
  22. She is most certainly an attractive woman. It is truly nice to be privileged to observe her good looks and appearance from cam # 7 sometimes as it seems to be the best view of all the cams.
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