I was simply pointing out that "YOU" who critique, and find fault with every minute actions of Leora, and Paul. Including the Christmas tree, Make ERRORS also. "Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged" ! or use the word " Graded". It also applies.
The difference being that Leora, and Paul, are not allowed to comment here, to counter some of the posts, that are made here.
Rather than complimenting them for having the Christmas Spirit. You choose to attack the quality of the tree. Whether you like it or not, they are human beings. Living their lives, as they see fit.
Which I am sure, you relay to your friends, and family, how you spend your perfect example of humanities time , watching a porn site. For the primary purpose to have something to discredit. Evidently, in an attempt to raise your self esteem !
Perhaps you would be happier, if they were having drunken parties, with drugs involved, and even getting the police involved. As Has Happened, In Other RLC Apartments.
For the record, my family, and friends know that I watch Leora, and Paul. Plus other porn sites. But then, I do not claim to be the Perfect Example on Humanity, that you choose to project in this, the Leora, and Paul Activities thread, of CamCaps.π
My opinion of this apartment is that yes, Paul has terrible table manners, and other rather unpleasant habits. But, I have not watched this apartment, to see what Paul offers. Rather I occasionally watch to see what Leora is doing. Using Pulo's reporting, to keep track of what Leora is doing. Then checking the replays to watch her. Also there are times that I find Eva, to be the most entertainment in the apartment.π