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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. Hopefully, it will never be seen again. If they're going to start doing this shit regularly, then the quicker RLC replaces them both, the better.
  2. This is some of the most pathetic bullshit I've ever seen on RLC.
  3. We already knew you wouldn't care because there's no guys involved.
  4. You claim to be interested in real life, but the moment they do something real life that genuinely interests them, you start crying about it.
  5. At the time of their trip, Bogdan had been living in Spain for about 16 months. If Bogdan is so fluent in Spanish, why whenever Bruno visited Gina at B4, would Bogdan always talk to him in English? Aleksandra, Milena, and Gina all speak fluent English and Spanish, and they all talk to Bruno in Spanish. Not Bogdan. It suggests that Bogdan isn't as fluent in Spanish as you want us to believe. And it's already been explained to you that it can be easier to navigate Barcelona with public transport than by car. I think this is true for a lot of cities. And whenever I go to my local hospital, despite having a car, I always take the bus because parking can be a problem. Sometimes you can be waiting between 5 and 40 minutes for a parking space, so I leave the car at home and use public transport instead because it's easier.
  6. Bogdan went along with it after a conversation with Nelly in which she persuaded (bullied / manipulated) him into accepting it. It had nothing to do with the trip with Martina. And if you understood just how jealous Nelly gets, you'd understand there's no chance that he had sex with Martina. Bogdan isn't allowed to play with other women, only Nelly is allowed to do that.
  7. Did she make out with Daniel? I remember that she was dancing with Holly, and that sleazy bastard came up behind her, but I don't remember any kissing between them. So if I exclude that until someone with some credibility confirms it, then what you're saying is, that in the several months that Martina has been visiting B4, and out of the 20 to 30 people that she's interacted with there, it's really only Holly and Megan that she's kissed, and only Nelly that she's kissed and had sex with. That's 3 people out of (approx) 25. And your out here trying to make out that she kisses and fucks every single person that she meets.
  8. Martina hasn't made out or had sex every time she's been partying at B4. And most of the times that she did, it was with Nelly, so I don't really see what point you're trying to make. And it isn't safe to say that she's doing that every time she goes out. It's kind of pathetic that you constantly fantasise about her fucking someone everytime she goes out, like there's no other reason whatsoever for her to leave the apartment, that there's nothing else that she could possibly be doing in Barcelona. And it isn't limited to just Martina. Just to recap some of your comments so far this year, and I don't remember them word for word, but I think they represent your comments fairly accurately: Martina has been gone from the apartment for 7 hours, she must be fucking someone Martina showed her boobs to a guy on the phone (it was really a girl), she must be fucking him The fat man touched Martina's hair, they must be fucking Martina is out of the apartment, so is Holly, they must be fucking each other Martina and Bogdan have been gone for three hours, they must be fucking each other Bogdan didn't cry at B2, but he cried at B4, he must be fucking Martina Zac and his friend left the apartment together, they must be fucking each other Zac and his friend have been gone for 8 hours, they must be fucking each other Luna is getting ready to go out, she must be going out to fuck a guy as revenge for Zac and his friend fucking each other Then there was the time that the girls from the "on vacation" apartments all left around the same time and it was clear from your interest that you'd already started fantasising about an off camera orgy, and if they hadn't started arriving at B2 when they did, I'm sure we would have seen plenty of comments about it. And the time they were supposed to be going to Bruno's party, and while most people imagined a normal party of drinking, dancing and talking, you imagined some kind of sex party with one big orgy with each other. And then there was last year, every time Alexandra and Lucian went out, you'd fantasise that they were having an orgy with Nelly and Bogdan, even though there was never anything to suggest that they were even with Nelly and Bogdan, never mind having an orgy with them. It's really ridiculous.
  9. I think normal people have no problem sleeping in the same bed as their sibling.
  10. Megan's room is still listed as Megan's room. The room that Masha was in is Guest room. Megan and Monica disapeared off camera at the far end of the backyard.
  11. It looks like a triple one - it's Pam's boyfriend's birthday as well.
  12. She didn't know how to turn the vacuum cleaner on, Ariana had to tell her 😂
  13. The two girls you describe don't match anyone that Amy has shared an apartment with. Amy's first time on RLC was in 2016, she stayed in B2 with Megan and Lola. They were the first tenants of B2. Amy's second time on RLC was in 2019, she stayed in B2 with Gina and the twins. And Amy's third time was last year in B4 with Megan, Holly, Elmira, Nelly and Bogdan.
  14. I'll bet you never used one because you don't have one, and I'll also bet that you don't live with two other people that you expect to clean up after you. I don't have a problem with that. Radislava didn't know how to use it because she left her crap for other people to sort out, and only learned to use it herself when there was no one else to do it for her. That's what's so pathetic. And my comment wasn't hateful. I just called you on your bullshit as you view the apartment through your Radislava tinted glasses, gave my observations, and gave my opinion on people like Radislava that don't do their fair share of cleaning in the communal areas and that steal other people's food. But you're very much like the Leora fanatics and want people to only praise your goddess and never say anything negative about her, even when her behaviour deserves it, and you attack and insult anybody that doesn't follow in your worship of her. You've attacked and insulted several others before me. And maybe you can explain to me the difference between my negative comment on Radislava about her behaviour in the apartments, and your negative comments about "old woman" Claire and Carlos. It seems to me that you're a hypocrite.
  15. No, it's Radislava's job to steal other people's food.
  16. She's already seen it and she wasn't happy, but I don't really see how she can complain considering that she does the least amount of cleaning of anyone in the apartment. She rarely cleans her room, and the only time I've seen her clean anywhere else in the apartment was the day people were posting comments in the forum about her not cleaning anything, and even then, it didn't last long. Even Vivian has spent more time cleaning B1 on the few times she visits than Radislava has in the five months she's lived there. And when Serafima left, she had to get the cleaning lady to show her how to use the dishwasher. Four months she'd been living in the apartment and she didn't know how to use it. It's patheric, especially when you consider she's about to turn 29.
  17. I'm assuming she'll be staying in B1 as Pam's guest. She's been staying in B5 as Loraine's guest. If Loraine is leaving, she'll need somewhere else to stay and I think Pam is the only other one of the current tenants that she's friends with.
  18. According to conversations two or three years ago, the water supply to the shower is disabled to prevent people from using it. They did the same to the hidden shower in Kristy and Kamila's restroom.
  19. The guy with red hair is Bruno's brother. He was recently the DJ at Gina's "1 year" party at B4. Visited the apartments a number of times last year with Bruno and has had sex Tina (B1) and Ginger (B4).
  20. Ariana is 25 and Carlos is 26. Carlos turns 27 in a few days.
  21. As far as I know, Claire and Radislava are both 28, with "old woman" Claire 8 months younger.
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