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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. I'd be very disappointed if Karol ever got involved with Radislava's ridiculous bs.
  2. Another awful lesbian show from Radislava. And don't tell me it's just Mila's fault because she does them with several others including Olivia and Loraine.
  3. Karol, Lia and Mia have Covid. They took home tests on Sunday which were positive. Monday, they took a PCR test which confirmed the results of the home test. Mila has also had Covid recently, but I don't know if she got it earlier than the other three and it's now passed, or if she still has it. If she's travelled abroad, I assume she no longer has it.
  4. You think every tenant's expiry date is over due, even if they're new and only been there for one day.
  5. She's there for the same reasons as Radislava - to keep Holly company and making sure she's OK after the departure of Tweety. From the comments I read yesterday, this makes her a sweet, caring girl with a good heart. Loraine and Radislava are as bad as each other, they both specialise in awful, passionless shows. Loraine's presence isn't going to make it any worse than it already was, and if she stops it from continuing then she's done most of us a favour.
  6. Both Holly and Tweety celebrated New Year's Eve in the Maldives after a negative Covid test for Tweety. I don't know if they travelled there together or if Holly was already there. They were back in Dubai 3 days ago, Holly returned to Barcelona, Tweety has gone skiing.
  7. Because, unlike you, he speaks the same language as them and understands what they talk about. It's been painfully obvious for a long time now that you don't understand a single word they say, you just pretend to.
  8. Martina is 25, her school friends are a few years younger. The female school friend that visits is 18 or 19, and I think the male one that visits is 20.
  9. RLC doesn't give the tenants access to their website. I have a number of screenshots and short videos of several different tenants from the last few years, including Leora, looking at the thumbnails and it's always blurry thumbnails that they're looking at. There's also been a few different conversations that people have shared with me in private that also confirms that they don't have access. Radislava subscribes to RLC, she's the only tenant I'm aware of that has. There was a guy in the Russian couples apartments a few years ago, Markus, that was sometimes seen watching RLC, but I think it was only ever the free cameras that he watched.
  10. Yes, it was with Nelly. I was afraid this would happen when they resumed contact with each other. I don't think Nelly will ever accept just being friends and will always try to force a sexual relationship with Martina, especially when drunk. I think the best thing Martina could do is to end contact with her again.
  11. Olivia, Ulyana, Fiora, Harley, Karol, Leia, and Maksim are Russian and they all travelled from Russia when they joined/rejoined the project. Karol's boyfriend is also Russian and he came from Russia when he visited her. Radislava is the only current "on vacation" tenant that was already living in Spain.
  12. I think Masha is unhappy with life in Italy at the moment, maybe she just fancied getting away for a few days to improve her mood. Guests in the apartments are guests of the tenants, not RLC. RLC doesn't really have anything to do with them. Fior in B4, Polya in B2, Masha's friend that is currently sleeping in Holly and Tweety's bed, and Martina's female school friend were also guests in the Barcelona apartments last night.
  13. Hounded her for hours, plied her with drink and drugs and then tried to have sex with her. Holly repeatedly told him "No", but he ignored all the no's and had sex with her anyway. If I remember right, it didn't last for very long before she pushed him off and told him no once more. They fell asleep and when Holly woke up she went to Megan's room (master bedroom) and wouldn't leave there until he'd gone. Everything that she did before, during, and after said that she didn't want to have sex with the guy.
  14. The last person I wanted to see on RLC again was Daniel the rapist. I feel sick just at the sight of him.
  15. She stays in B4 because she's friends with Holly and that's where Holly's room is. I don't think Masha knows any of the other tenants in the "on vacation" apartments and there are no empty rooms. If Holly's room was in B1, Masha would be in B1. If it was in B2, she'd be in B2.
  16. If she was under contract her name would be on the apartment. Or are you saying there should be a limit for how long guests can stay for?
  17. Radislava straight on to the thumbnails afterwards to see if was worth her time and effort? Tweety's been great since arriving, exactly the type of tenant RLC should be finding more of. The last two people I wanted to see her get involved with or spend any time with is Radislava and Loraine, both of whom are obsessed with thumbnails and ratings, both specialise in calculated, cynical, methodical, passionless bullshit for clicks and views. and are two of the most fake people I've ever seen on RLC. It's a really disappointing development.
  18. I wonder if this is the translation that Emmett references. I think Yelt made similar claims a few weeks ago and I think he may also have based his comment on this: Original comment Clarification 1 Clarification 2
  19. I don't really remember too many visits to the garage, if any, where it was just Bogdan and Holly. I remember that most of the tenants would frequently disappear to the garage, and Holly would typically be with Megan and Nelly whenever she went there. I remember that most people accepted and believed that they used this as a smoking area, or for recreational drugs during parties. And I also remember that most people didn't think there was anything happening between Bogdan and Holly, and the only people that did was Harley and Lucky. And once again you think the only reason for anyone to leave the apartment is sex, and once again you're wrong. Even if Bogdan's absence was explained to you, if it didn't involve sex, you would just dismiss it in favour of your fantasies and delusions.
  20. He needed help with the language because he didn't understand it so well. I pointed out earlier this year that Bogdan always spoke with Bruno in English, suggesting that he wasn't as fluent in Spanish as you wanted to believe. I also highlighted Nelly's extreme jealousy, and told you if you understood just how jealous she gets, you would understand how ridiculous your claims are. And it was Nelly that kept things going, forcing Bogdan to accept it, even though he wasn't happy with it. We saw her try to do the same thing later in the year when she kissed Martina at Martina's apartment, even though Bogdan was unhappy and Martina had told her they would stop having sex with each other. And if Nelly was so willing to continue a sexual relationship with Martina despite Bogdan's unhappiness, why would Martina need to have sex with him to keep the relationship going?
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