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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. Radislava spent the past few hours click baiting, hand in front of her pussy pretending to masturbate, while watching the thumbnails to see if her deception is working, and then when Holly and Tweety's room takes top spot and her click baiting is no longer working, she suddenly moves to their room. Pathetic.
  2. It seems to me that everyone is focused on Eva. And others that have escaped from Masha's apartment without her getting a taste, include Eva, Babi, Piper and Taylor*, Ulyana, Olivia, Holly, Tereza, Hanna, several of Masha's hairdresser's friends, Dina, and several other of Masha's friends. * Masha got a taste in B2, not her own apartment
  3. There are currently 5 couples in the couples apartments and none of them auditioned, and except for Gyana, none of them even appeared in other apartments as guests before they became tenants. Katie and Adam have only just joined, so you can't even try to argue a change in their recruitment since a few years ago. Cleopatra, Esmi, Zabava, and Marlene are new girls in the Girls on Vacation apartments, no auditions for any of them and no previous appearances as guests. And looking through the tenant list, I can't see a single person that auditioned to be a tenant, yet somehow you think that Eva, who was a tenant for two years and very popular, needs to audition if she wants to rejoin RLC. As for gauging reception for her return: Beatrice was last a tenant of RLC three years ago, Kristy and Alana two years ago, Karol three years ago, Kylie and Rus two years ago, and none of them auditioned for their return to the project in order to gauge reception, and I don't think RLC cares about opinions in this forum.
  4. Martina's young school friend has stayed over in Martina's apartment several times now. She chats with them, dances with them, has a drink and meal with them, typically sleeps in the guest room, and then has breakfast with them before returning to her own apartment. Never any sex involved. If Martina's young school friend lived in an apartment with cameras, and Martina didn't, every time she stayed over at Martina's apartment, a small number of people would be insisiting that she was out fucking all night, asking what else could she possibly doing out on a Friday or Saurday night, and asking for what other reason would she be returning the following morning. And if the translators were to post that she was staying over at a friends house, no sex involved, then that same small number of people would mock them with the kind of comment that you just posted, or with suggestions they think she's gone to church all night, and accuse them of defending the girl because they're in love with her or they think she's a saint.
  5. I think the "Martina is a saint crowd", as you call them, are pretty consistant with their belief in the translators. They believe that the translators speak the same language as Martina and Alberto and understand them, and they believe that they are perfectly competent in putting into wriiting the things that they heard. I don't recall any of them questioning the car park incident. DWI is the first person I can recall doubting it. The people that want to make up stories are generally the ones that switch between believing and not believing. If the translators post something that supports there stories or they think they can manipulate it to support there stories, then they will accept the translation. If the translators post something that goes against the stories they've invented, they will dismiss the translation and accuse the translators of defending Martina and Alberto.
  6. You come off as an asshole... or at least you would if I actually believed anything you posted.
  7. I don't think this is true at all. Kitty and Smith's return to RLC was mostly met with negative comments, most people seemed to prefer that they didn't come back, and since their return I think most comments have been fairly negative about them, but they're still there with no signs of leaving soon. When Maya first brought her new boyfriend to the apartment, she was absolutely slaughtered in the comments with a lot of people thinking she was cheating on Stepan, and the comments continued to be mostly negative up until the Russian apartments were taken offline. Julia and Eric's apartment was mostly negative comments, especially Eric, but they were on RLC for over two years until they left when they separated. Mirucaya and Dantez apartment was mostly negative comments. Thye left when they separated and he later returned with a new girlfriend despite the negative comments about him. Gina, Lia, Mia, Loraine, Nelly, and even Irma for her last three visits, are among the most criticised and insulted tenants in Girl/Couple on Vacation history, but not only have they been in the project multiple times, they've spent more days as a Girl/Couple on Vacation than any other tenant. The comments about Mila (3rd visit) and Nana were overwhelmingly negative, and they just spent 8 months in the project, which is a long time for a single Girl on Vacation term. Serafima was regularly cristicised and insulted throughout her first time on the project, and they brought her back for a second time for nearly 6 months. And then there's Bruno, who visited regularly as a guest for nearly two years, during which time he recieved mostly negative comments and insults, and they made him a tenant in his own couples apartment and he might still be there if wasn't for the visit of the police. I can't think of any tenants over the past 5 or 6 years that left the project because of negative comments in the forum. It seems like yet another false claim from you to try and support another false narrative.
  8. Zabava, Marlene. Holly, Tweety, Tata, Kylie and Rus are Ukrainian. Loraine is Moldovan. Radislava Belarusian / Russian. All others in the "on vacation" apartments are Russian.
  9. It'll be a Gina and Bruno, Nelly and Bogdan, Fior roommates villa 😅
  10. According to a translation of a conversation with Carlos 1 year ago, she was born in Belarus. Before moving to Spain, she lived in Moscow for many years until the apartment she was living in burnt down, after which, she moved to Spain 4.5 years ago to live with her mother, who has been living in Barcelona for 8 years with her Spanish partner. I don't know her mother's nationality, but from what I've seen, it seems more likely that Radislava is Belarusian or Russian, than Ukrainian.
  11. I thought that was you running around B4 the other night, trying to catch a show because nobody is sending you videos anymore 😂
  12. I don't really understand your comment? You don't understand simulation? Or you're in denial that these things happen on RLC? Definition of simulate 1 : to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : In this context it's to give the appearance of lesbian sex. It's when they pretend to lick each others pussies, but are closer to licking the belly buttons, or they're just licking air. They're simulating lesbian sex.
  13. She must spend 8 to 10 hours a day click baiting, keeping her hand by her pussy to create an image on the thumbnails to make people believe that she's masturbating, while monitoring the thumbnails to see if her deception is working. Then there's the awful massage/lesbian shows and even the occasional simulated lesbian show. How are these things respecting the viewers?
  14. Birthday greetings to Rus, Noldus responded to your comment. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/23806-b5-general-topic-2022-2-january-leia-maksim-and-kylie-rus/?do=findComment&comment=1636351142
  15. She was a tenant of B4 early 2020 when Kristy and Alana were tenants of B1, they got along quite well. She was there for one month as a tenant. She did 0 masturbation shows and 0 lesbian shows. I liked her a lot. She'd made plans for her boyfriend to visit during what would have been her second month, but RLC wouldn't give her a second month. She stayed anyway as a guest of Kim until her boyfriend arrived, they stayed in a hotel for a week, and then she picked up the rest of her luggage from B4 and returned home.
  16. If it's an open relationship, it's not cheating. If it's not a real relationship and just done as show, it's not cheating either.
  17. Mila and Olivia are bisexual and have done enjoyable girl/girl shows with other tenants in the past. Mila's hook ups with Oksi and Amina are among the more genuine ones that we've seen in the GOV apartments. Daniela might also be bisexual and has also previously done enjoyable girl/girl shows. Stella has also done some nice lesbian stuff, but we just got some lame lesbian tease shows with Radislava. I still have doubts that Radislava is really a lesbian, instead of bisexual, but even if we say that she's really into women, it doesn't justify or excuse the constant stream of crap that she's continually served up, including simulated lesbian shows. There was one with Ariana, and someone shared a clip with me of her show with Olivia just before Christmas, Olivia sat on the edge of the bath and Radislava on her knees pretending to lick her, but clearly not making any contact with her. Nobody is forcing her to do this stuff, but she still does it anyway because she's completely obsessed with ocupying the top thumbnail to satisfy her ego.
  18. I'd be very disappointed if Karol ever got involved with Radislava's ridiculous bs.
  19. Another awful lesbian show from Radislava. And don't tell me it's just Mila's fault because she does them with several others including Olivia and Loraine.
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