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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. It seemed like she was trying to turn the light off. The room is lit by a lamp that's under or near camera 3-12. After pulling the covers over them, she tried two light switches on opposite sides of the room, but they just turned the main light on and she turned it off again. She then crouched in front of camera 3-12 where the electrical sockets are and it sounded like she was unplugging things, trying to turn the light off.
  2. Linda and Tibor left the apartment the day before their wedding and returned the day after. We saw the proposal in the apartment at a party with friends on New Year's Eve. And in the weeks / months before the wedding, we saw Linda's wedding dress and we also saw them practice their wedding dance. There was also Nina and Kira's wedding, but I don't know the details. I think there was some wedding activity in the apartment, maybe an after party or even the actual ceremony, but I'm not sure. Although, it's unlikely that the marriage is officially recognised by Russia, given Russia's views on same sex relationships.
  3. Vika's boyfriend even has his own entry on Noldus' list of B1 tenants - 26th April to 12th May 2016. 17 days, he stayed there longer than several of the tenants did, including the Louls Vuitton twins 😁
  4. Eva's name on the apartment isn't necessarily indicative of a long stay, it just means she's being paid by RLC while she's there. There have been short tenancies before, she could just be there for two or three weeks to see her frined Dasha before returning to Matvei.
  5. Russians, Ukrainians, and a number of other nationalities typically wear their wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand.
  6. It's been two years since she was last on RLC, so I don't know who you've been watching. And if you think having sex with her boyfriend is slutty, then you've got some problems.
  7. Dylan doesn't get paid specifically to have sex with the girls. And if that were his motivation, why did he did he have sex with Ari and Ashley off camera. How many tenants do you think Radislava had sex with off camera? And I've never seen Dylan looking at the thumbnails, Radislava never stopped looking at them. I'v never seen anyone as obsessed with the thumbails as Radislava, including Leora, not even close. If Radislava is obsessed with sex, why didn't she have sex with anyone during the first ten months of her tenancy? Why did she pretend to have sex with at least two other tenants, instead of actually having sex with them? Why did she stop having sex with Cecilia after the first few visits, instead they just lay on the bed pointing their pussies at camera 3-11, the most zoomed in camera in that room. I've seen women having sex with each other on RLC for their own enjoyment - Taylor and her tinder hook ups, Bonnie and Alexandra, Martina and Nelly, Heidi and her friend, and they were all much more enjoyable and passionate, and had a much different feel to them than the cold, calculated, methodical, passionless shows that Radislava served up.
  8. She's nothing like Dylan. Radislava had an extremely unhealthy obsession with the thumbnails and everything she did was because of that obsession. Dylan fucks girls for his own enjoyment, Radislava put on pre arranged shows for views. I've never seen Dylan pretending to lick a girl's pussy and simulate sex, but I've seen Radislava do that more than once.
  9. Cleaning lady (not Svetlana) is cleaning Lara's room. Nadia seemed to be checking out the room earlier.
  10. Radislava is one of the most boring tenants in the history of RLC, not to mention one of the most fake. I'd rather keep Lara for another 10 months than have her back.
  11. Lara's back. Welcome back Lara 😁 Packing up the rest of her things and having dinner.
  12. Before it went UM, I was having trouble with the picture freezing every two seconds.
  13. None of the other apartments have sound on their balcony, only the villa balconies do. This is to respect the privacy of neighbouring apartments and prevent people from hearing the neighbours while they sit out on their balcony's and from hearing the noise of the surrounding area. And many other bathrooms also have no sound. Typically RLC will provide at least one toilet in each apartment that isn't visible to the camera and with the sound disabled. In some places there are more than one bathroom without sound. When Martina and Alberto first joined RLC, nearly all bathrooms were without sound. Edit: Only B7 has sound on the balconies, the B4 balcony doesn't.
  14. Carla first joined RLC just before Masha and Sasha. Leora and Paul had 6 years on RLC in the Russian apartments before the Russian apartments disappeared. After a two month absence, Leora returned on her own and has been online in Prague for nearly 4 years. Masha will be 8 continous years in October. It's the longest continous run on RLC. Linda and Tibor is the second longest continous run with 6 years and 4 months. Martina and Alberto are the third longest with 6 years and 2 months.
  15. Kimberly and Tim didn't have sex. She only gave him a blowjob. And you're telling me that Tim was watching Tani, Taylor, Lilith on his phone while Kimberly was giving him a blowjob, and as soon as he finished and wiped himself off, he went running over to B4 to interrupt them. Kimberly gave Tim a blowjob on 25th December. The Tani, Lilith, Taylor incident was on 6th January.
  16. Every conversation and action that occured in the days after the event, tells us that Lilith and Taylor went further than Tani wanted to. Lilith admitted to holding down Tani's arms so that she couldn't stop them or push them off, Taylor admitted that it was pretty bad and apologised to Tani, and Tani and Lilith stopped talking to each other. There was also no conversations about any plan to lure Tim over. Nothing whatsoever to suggest that there is any merit to your story. And the person that claimed that Tim was watching RLC was you. As I posted in my previous comment, someone else at the time said that Tim was on a phone call and didn't appear to be watching anything. And if Tim was watching, why did it take him so long to go to B4? I doubt very much that anything can be seen in Tani's room from Dylan's room. Not only is Tani's room quite a bit higher, but there's always a curtain drawn across that window. On the night of the Tani, Lilith, Taylor incident, Tim was in Anthony's room, not Dylan's. He moved rooms when Samson left.
  17. There's a window in Tani's room to the right of camera 3-9. You can only see it from the cameras in Tani's room when it's open. You can see it from Ashley and Gloria's balcony. Someone at the time posted that Tim was on a phone call just before he went to B4 that night. I think this idea that Tim was watching RLC is just another invention of Moules for his invented story. Lilith, Taylor, and Tani definitely were not staging an event that night to try to lure Tim over, it was never about Tim.
  18. Bogdan, Timur, and Alberto have never done anything sexual on camera with anyone other than their partners. It would have just been better for you to admit that instead of spouting more bullshit. Aziza didn't summon anyone to her room, the visit was initiated by Nelly. And if they'd gone there with the intention of having sex with Aziza, then why didn't it happen? I didn't see anything to suggest that sex was ever intended.
  19. I agree, it's much easier to have sex with other paid tenants than people from outside the project. And this group of tenants especially, is not very challenging. Even Fior has managed to get some action. If Dylan achieved the same feat a few months ago with Serafima, Yana, Zhanna, and Kimberly, then we really could have called him "The Master" 😁 And if we're going to have a leaderboard, then for me, Wendy is number 1. The two female guests that she's had sex with is much more impressive than Dylan and Anthony's 5 or 6 tally of other tenants.
  20. I don't know who she is, but she came back with Wendy and Azura. She went in to Azura's room with Azura when they first returned, but then moved in to Wendy's room and had sex with Wendy.
  21. The woman in the Nike trousers is Sambuka. The only other person in the apartment when you posted your comment was Megan. Do you think that this is Sambuka? https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/31295-b1-pictures-2023-2/?do=findComment&comment=1636561647
  22. Yes, I already knew this, but it doesn't change what I wrote in my comment.
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