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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. Get her drunk to the point that Kristy doesn't have enough brain function to actually stop her. Isn't that rape?
  2. At least that's what Radislava wanted the forum to believe. The row over the stolen food rumbled on for two months before the forum became aware of it, only then did Radislava try to make amends for it, and it wasn't just Serafima that Radislava stole food from, but Ariana as well. It's really fucked up when the person stealing food is considered innocent and the person objecting to her food being stolen is a bitch for it.
  3. Are you related to Benjamin Button? When you were posting on your HarleyFatboy account, you were older than 41.
  4. I really like Red as well. She seems really friendly, doesn't seem bothered about the cameras and she's hot. Hopefully she continues to visit.
  5. It's surprising that you've never seen two guys head off to the bathroom together. I've seen it a lot, especially in nightclubs and bars. Plenty of times I've gone to the toilet and there's been one or two friends come with me, not to keep me company, but because they needed the toilet too. Or I've gone in to a restroom and there's been two or three guys already in there and it's been clear from their conversation that they're friends from the same group. As for boy/girl couple, you're not likely to see that in public buildings where they have separate male/female toilets, but in a house party sccenario like we had at B4, it's not uncommon. And there are plenty of couples on RLC that I've seen use toilet while they're both in there together, including Martina and Alberto, Nelly and Bogdan, Holly and Thor in their own en suite toilet in B5 and also the en suite bathroom in B2, and Zabava's boyfriend uses the toilet while Zabava is in there with him. As for boy/girl that aren't a couple, less common than couples, but it's probably more common among the younger generations and the LGBT community. The link below is for Val and Jul's apartment, the same night as the party in B4. Val in the bathroom cleaning her teeth, and her male friend goes in and uses the toilet next to her. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/39_8?ts=1668925669&from=share
  6. @JenniferMom You told me that people aren't saying Martina is fucking every time she's out of view of the camera, the comment above is exactly what I'm talking about. Martina can't even travel home from B4 without your boy, Philo, popping up and suggesting she's having sex with her friends on the way home. Even if he isn't actually stating it, it's pretty clear what he means. And if you think that's not what he's doing every time he posts comments like these, then you're really naive.
  7. Alberto isn't with her. And no one believes that Martina is a saint, they just don't believe that she's fucking somebody every time she's not in view of the camera.
  8. Yes, I think it is. The first two times she was a tenant was before B4, and I don't recall her visiting during this tenancy or as a guest in between.
  9. It's Taylor's girlfriend's birthday tomorrow as well. 22 years old. "28" and "22" balloons in the living room for them.
  10. Kristy's popularity broke the B2 streams 😁
  11. There was no sex party. Just like there's no sex party tonight, even though you attempted to make people believe there is.
  12. A friend of Tereza's from back home. I think she lives in Barcelona now. She's visited Tereza several times in B5.
  13. The link that you posted is when she returns at 03:58 on 31st October, after leaving the apartment at 21:47 on 30th October. It's included on my list. Even though you clicked on the 1st November tab, most of that timeline is for 31st October. If you look to the right along the bottom, you'll see where 1st November begins. You're not the first person to be caught out by this.
  14. 26th October in all night 27th October in all night 28th October in all night 29th October out all afternoon with Kos. Returned 21:30 with Kos. 30th October left 21:47 to go clubbing with Marlene. Returned 03:58. 31st October left 21:53 with Leia and Kos. Returned 23:38 with Leia and Kos. 1st November left 21:30 with Leia. Returned 00:51 with Leia. 2nd November left 20:03. Returned 00:51 with Leia. 3rd November returned 19:29 with Kos. 4th November left 09:34 to visit Lia. 5th November returned from her overnight trip 20:26.
  15. She travelled to another city to visit Lia. Stayed overnight, came back the next day.
  16. She wasn't pregnant. If I remember right, she left because her Visa was about to expire.
  17. She brought two suitcases with her from B4, and there was a third wrapped in tape that was already there.
  18. Just the fact that Martina is out of view of the camera is enough for you to think she's fucking someone. I've read enough of your comments over the years to know this, and to know that it's not just Martina you do this with. Any tenant you take an interest in, any time they're out of view of the camera, whether it's leaving the apartment or they're in an off camera area, you think they're engaged in some kind of sexual activity. Then, what you really do is look for any little thing that you can manipulate or bullshit people about to try to convince them to believe your delusions and fantasies, and a lot of what you post isn't true and doesn't make any sense. If we analyse yor comment above, I think we can break it down in to three simple statements: 1) Everyone takes a shower when arriving back home after a night out partying. 2) If they don't, they must have showered elsewhere before they returned. 3) If they showered elsewhere, they must have had sex. All three are bullshit. Alberto went out partying last night for several hours, not a nightclub, but a similar situation. He didn't shower before returning to the apartment and he didn't shower after he returned. I don't think he even bothered to wash his face. And I think this is the same for most people that have been out drinking all night, it's likely that when they return they're either too drunk or too tired to bother.
  19. Martina isn't coming home with marks on her body, so she must be out having sex with a man 🤣 What the fuck are you talking about? 🤣
  20. The night vision on the cameras need a light source for them to work. Most of the rooms have an infrared light for the night vision. There's no infrared light inside that bathroom. It's been like that since B4 opened. The halls, Lilith's restroom, and the outdoor areas also don't have their own infrared light, but they are often illuminated by the infrared light of adjoining or nearby rooms.
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