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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. They can turn off the infra red that provides the light for the night vision to work. If they have, it was probably accidental. It's happened before in other rooms/apartments, most notably in the master bedroom of B2.
  2. I don't remember seeing the airplane icon used for the "on vacation" apartments any time before 2018, even though there were tenants that went away for 2 or 3 days at a time. And when they did start using it regularly, it was random whether it would appear or not, and how promptly it appeared. From memory: 2017 Tereza went away to Ibiza for a weekend. No airplane. Rose went away for the weekend. No airplane. Nicole disappeared for two days after her fight with Estelle. No airplane. 2018 Angie and Emily regulary went on vacation, sometimes the airplane would appear, sometimes it wouldn't. Nina and Kira went on vacation for a week and it took 4 days and emails from their fanclub before the airplane appeared. Kristy went on vacation for a week. No airplane. There were many more like this, but these are the ones that I remember specifically. It's always been the same.
  3. RLC still informs people with emails and now also on the website itself. They give the same information as in Noldus' email - tenant left, tenant joined, new apartment opened, etc, they just use less words than they used to.
  4. Not just Marlene. I make it 8 tenants that are currently on vacation, although 3 of them left today.
  5. It's not causing any issues. You're more likely to get a response if you post in the General Discussion topic, but if you want to create a new topic for your questions, it's fine.
  6. Irma and Kristy were tenants of B1 together, Irma didn't do any cornering that I remember. Irma and Kamila weren't tenants in the Girl on Vacation apartments at the same time, they never appeared on camera together and likely have never met.
  7. The blond girl has visited Tereza several times before in B5, both this time and the last time they were tenants.
  8. Holly stayed in B2 and is now asleep in Lavika's bed.
  9. That's one of the most important cameras in Martina and Alberto's apartment. It spares us reading through one or two pages of nonsense every time Martina uses that bathroom. If RLC removed that, the comments would be like: "Martina just went into the restroom without a camera" "I wonder what she's doing in there?" "Maybe she's masturbating" "She took her phone in with her, maybe she's facetiming" "Facetimeing while masturbating!" "With Nelly!" "No, Nelly is at B7 and she's not on her phone" "Maybe Bogdan" "or the gay schoolfriend" "It's the big guy! I always knew there was something between them and this proves it" "Why did RLC remove that camera?" "Maybe Martina asked them to so we wouldn't know that she's cheating on Alberto" "We really need a camera in there, so we can see what she's doing" Sometimes when one of her friends visit, they go to the toilet together and we see just enough to know that they take it in turns to use the toilet while talking to each other. Without the camera: "Martina and her friend just went to the restroom together" "Did you see the way Martina was looking at her earlier. I think there's something between them" "Maybe they're having sex in there" "Yes, I think they are" "How long have they been in there?" "3 minutes" "It doesn't take 3 minutes to go to the toilet. They must be fucking" "I think I can hear them moaning" "Yes, I hear moaning too" "i wonder if Alberto knows what they're doing" "Here they come" "They're both smiling, I wonder why" "They look like they really enjoyed themselves in there" "I'm tired of Martina keeping everything off camera" "We really need a camera in there" "I've emailed RLC and told them I'm canceling my subscription if they don't put a camera in there"
  10. Guy 1: it's his birthday. Guy 2: tomorrow. tomorrow. Lavika: now? now? tomorrow? Guy 1: actually is now. Guy 2: no, no, tomorrow. Guy 2: 18... 18 of September Guy 1: ah, 18. So it is tomorrow.
  11. Nelly and Bogdan didn't live in the Karol and Kos apartment, and I think if that apartment wasn't in the same building as Martina and Alberto, you wouldn't be trying to create this story. The first time Martina visited B4 was also the first time that she met Nelly. Martina and Nelly became familiar and intimate with each other in B4, they hadn't had sex with each other before.
  12. Leia, Trinity, Lia, Mia, and Nana arrived.
  13. Venera's birthday and Karol's birthday.
  14. I can only see one female guest and it's not the same woman that he had sex with. I think this one visited about 1 month ago and they played cards. I think the guy with his back to camera 1 is her boyfriend, but I could be wrong.
  15. The washing machine is in the small room at the end of the balcony. It can be accessed from the balcony and also the guest room. The door to the left of camera 12 leads out to it. Here you see Kos coming from the guest room to the washing machine. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/40_15?ts=1660916980&from=share
  16. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/40_4?ts=1661168936&from=share
  17. I never claimed that they weren't aware of camera placement. It's easy for them to see where the cameras are, they're pretty obvious. I wrote that they don't have precise knowledge of the cameras field of view. I don't understand how you're trying to use these examples as evidence. Are you saying they tried to hide from the camera or show themselves to the camera? Either way doesn't really matter because in both cases they weren't even thinking about the cameras. In the first example, they were at a party in B4 with lots of guests and they were looking for somewhere out of the way of the other guests and chose the place in the kitchen where the washing machine is. In the second example, they started kissing in the hall, it escalated further and they moved it to the bedroom. Pretty standard stuff. I don't understand how either of these is evidence that they have precise knowledge of the cameras field of view.
  18. You get access to the previous 24 hours of Replay when you first subscribe. It grows to a maximum of 10 days over time.
  19. It isn't noteworthy and it isn't a fact, they don't have precise knowledge of the camera's field of view. Many people have been sat in those places at various parties / social gatherings. It's just a combination of poor camera setup and bad positioning of the table. Somebody's got to sit there, but because this time it's the person that you're obsessed with, you feel the need to invent a load of nonsense about it. And it wouldn't matter if you could see her anyway because you can't lip read what they're saying, and judging from all the times that you've been wrong over the years, you're not very good at reading body language either.
  20. It was also a late birthday party for Bogdan. His birthday was last weekend when he was away with Nelly. When they took the cock cake out to the terrace they sang "Happy Birthday" to him.
  21. You've mixed up the black designer bag and the white plastic bag. The white plastic carrier bag was full of rubbish. At 03:44, she took the bag out of the bedroom and took it outside of the front door, which is where they take the rubbish. Then at 03:53, she left the room with the black designer bag, the suitcase, and the handbag. She left the suitcase and black designer bag by the front door before going to the kitchen, and took both of them with her when she left. The bag that is on the kitchen floor by the table has been there for over 2 days and was put there by Lilith.
  22. You subscribed for the first time in 5 years right after B7 came online with Nelly & Bogdan and two single guys, and you think we're going to believe that you signed up for Kristy 🤣
  23. @StnCld316 Why is this apartment still classed as B6 apartment? Even if it's physically the same apartment, it's no longer a "B" apartment, which is used to designate an "on vacation" apartment. The B6 forum shoyld have been archived and a new one created for Carla and Yanai, the same as happened with P1 when Kitty and Smith moved back in and it became a regular couples apartment again. I don't understand why we're mixing forums. I also don't understand why the apartments are grouped by location. It doesn't make any sense. The location of the apartments doesn't appear anywhere on RLC's website and I don't think anyone actually looks for apartments based on location, especially since the languages spoken in most of the apartments doesn't match the location. It was better without any groupings, but if you have to group them, surely it's much better to group them in the same way that RLC does - Couples / Singles and Roommates / Singles and Couples on Vacation. That makes a lot more sense than location.
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