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Everything posted by itsme

  1. If only they had the lights on.
  2. If you're REALLY bored and want to watch people eat and drink you can open the Nest cam streams in VLC for a full screen view.
  3. This site features live cams from various business around the world. I guess the idea is that a business can register to have their cam(s) listed on their site for promotional purposes. Most of the cams are from bars and restaurants. http://gobefore.me/
  4. A. It's too early to know how many of those things will turn out. I have yet to see an article from a legitimate economist that thinks what Trump is doing with the economy will workout in the long term. What he did in North Korea was something that any prior president could have done, but they chose not to because they recognize that Kim is a dictator and mass murderer. Put simply we don't know how his diplomatic and economic policies will work out in the long term. Much of what Trump has done seems to be more about short terms gains than long term solutions. My guess is that the rest of the world realizes that he is con man and an anomaly so they are just going along with him knowing that he likely won't be reelected and may very well be impeached. B. Again that's great that you got a tax cut, so did I. But in the long term someone is going to have to pay for those tax cuts that by every estimate will increase the debt significantly. The only way that I would have supported this tax cut is if he made major cuts in other areas. Temporary tax cuts do nothing but win support in the short term while robbing already financially depressed younger generations. You could also look at as a transfer of wealth from the young to the old. C. Sure we need a strong Military but we do we really need to spend more than the next 8 or is 10 countries combined? We need to be fiscally responsible with Military spending and ensure that things like education, infrastructure, environmental protection, and the sciences are well funded. D. No one is saying we should have open borders, but we need to be humanitarian when dealing with people. Put effort into fixing the system rather than spending billions on a wall. E. Trump is nothing like those presidents that you named. Sure some presidents have had bold and revolutionary ideas that were worth fighting for, Trump on the hand has no moral compass and changes his views on things depending on who he is talking to. Trump is not a good president, in fact he is the type of president that the forefathers were concerned about, someone with way too much power that seeks to sabotage the very government that he's supposed to be representing. I am not a liberal I am more of a centrist libertarian. I think that Republicans have some good ideas, but Trump is destroying your brand and setting your party back. In my opinion the best thing that your party could do is distance yourself from Trump and not go down with the burning ship.
  5. 1. By what metric are we better off? The economy was already doing well thanks to Obama. Most people would agree that a president's policies don't actually start affecting the economy until the latter half of their presidency. The tax cut was a terrible idea, it's like a variable rate mortgage that starts off with a low interest rate and increases over time until it's un-affordable. This tax cut is great for boomers and those nearing retirement, but it saddles younger generations with even more debt. Tariffs protect a small amount of industries while raising prices for anyone who buys their products or uses their raw materials. Unemployment is down but it was going down anyway. He's also managed to piss off most of our allies while at the same time praising dictators, murderers, and criminals. 2. No president is going to stop illegal immigration altogether and using the worst examples of a group of people to judge the entire group is never fair or accurate. If the U.S. was only known by the worst things that we have done, then we wouldn't be the leader on the international stage. If you're really that concerned about stopping the deaths of young people you should be advocating for better gun laws. Immigrants aren't the problem, but the growing income disparity is. 3. That's all just conspiracy nonsense from the right wing media, and even if a fraction of it were true who gives a shit? Hillary isn't president. If she broke the law then throw her in prison I don't care, but that in no way detracts from what Trump has done.
  6. 1. Because there are limits to campaign contributions, also they can't be done in secret which is the big gotcha. 2. This is part of the investigation, it is all covered under the special counsels duties. I know right wingers hate it, but it is a FACT not an "Alternative fact". Mueller has every right and the duty to investigate this. “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mueller-investigation-trump-russia-probe_us_5b4cdda5e4b0e7c958fe3141 3. Why are you still worried about Clinton? That's old news. The only people who still care about Clinton are right wingers trying to minimize Trump's crimes by pointing the finger. Not to mention that Clinton was cleared by the FBI and has never been charged with anything despite being investigated numerous times. I find it particularly curious that right wingers believe these insane conspiracy theories about Clinton without question, but completely overlook the pile of growing evidence against Trump. 4. Yes, we do demand the truth. We want to see Trump's Tax Returns, we want to know why he surrounds himself with criminals, we want to know why he lies an average of twice per day, we want to know about the money that the Trump organization got from Russian Oligarchs, we want to know why Trump threw U.S. intelligence agencies under the bus in front of the world while complementing Putin, etc. Trump has not been transparent about anything. 5. Trump had done nothing but dirty the swamp by appointing people to positions that seek to destroy the very agencies that they are supposed to protect and represent. 6. Trump is con man plain and simple. Cohen has now directly implicated Trump in the commission of a felony. We don't even know what all Mueller has on Trump but I am sure that it will be a very sad day for the right when he releases his findings. You should just cut your losses, admit you made a mistake, and find a better candidate to support.
  7. It's over, con man Trump is done. Choen admits to working with Trump to silence two women to influence the 2016 election, the cherry on top is that Manifort was convicted of 8 out of 18 charges against him with a mistrial declared on 10 other counts. Trump can't survive this, he's going to be impeached when the blue wave comes in November. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen-is-in-plea-discussions-with-federal-prosecutors-according-to-a-person-familiar-with-the-matter/2018/08/21/5fbd7f34-8510-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html?utm_term=.badb24b51478 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/manafort-jury-suggests-it-cannot-come-to-a-consensus-on-a-single-count/2018/08/21/a2478ac0-a559-11e8-a656-943eefab5daf_story.html?utm_term=.1375febf47bd
  8. I guess this is how she keeps it so smooth. I always assumed she waxed.
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