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Everything posted by itsme

  1. The Playboy Mansion has been sold to Daren Metropoulos, of Metropoulos & Co., the private equity firm that famously helped rescue Twinkies snack cakes from extinction when it boughtHostess out of bankruptcy. He's a 32 year old multimillionaire whose father is billionaire Dean Metroupoulous. The funny thing is Hugh gets to live in the house until he dies, which likely won't be too long given that he's 90 something years old. http://money.cnn.com/2016/06/06/real_estate/playboy-mansion-sold-twinkie/index.html
  2. It's not a matter of need, it's a matter of convenience and efficiency. Why pay someone to monitor a forum all day when you can have a web crawler automatically scour the web for your content? These types of forums aren't the only place RLC content shows up, I am sure there are 10's if not hundreds of other sites that routinely have RLC content uploaded to them.
  3. After doing some research on this I've come to the conclusion that RLC is likely using both digital watermarking and digital fingerprinting. Watermarking "adds information, embedding it within a video and/or audio signal, while Fingerprinting does not add any information — it analyses the media, identifying a unique set of inherent properties" (Digimarc). In other words, the dots that we all see are a form of watermarking (it is also possible to make invisible watermarks), behind the scenes they are fingerprinting their video streams. So it is very likely that no matter what you try to crop out or obscure from an image or video they can still find out who you are. Here is what I think is the most interesting thing which explains a lot: The search service only crawls the public web, which means that if someone posts one of your photos on a private Facebook post, we can’t find this for you. The same is true of other social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram and others that allow users to mark posts as private. There are an estimated 1 billion sites on the public web, and we're currently crawling on the order of 100 million annually, scanning billions of individual images in the process. Sites are selected for crawling based on their age and adjacency to other known sites, and are crawled based on their link structure. So likely what is happening is that RLC is using Digimarc or a similar service to Watermark and Fingerprint their content, and then paying them to crawl the internet in search of images and videos that match said fingerprints, and then banning whomever posted the content. In theory, if you use a publicly available image host such as postimage.org, or anony.ws, they could find your file before you even have a chance to share it here or anywhere else, depending on how fast they crawl those sites. Putting this all together: It is unlikely that RLC is employing someone to monitor this site for their content 24/7, rather it is completely automated and not being performed by them. The takeaway is that they likely can’t use this method to find content that is not publicly available I.e. the attachment center or private messages. Secondly, it may be possible to use some type of filter or re-encoding to make the watermarks and fingerprints invalid. This might also explain why some videos are still up on sites like YouTube after several years while others are removed within a few days, either they are pre-fingerprinting, or they have been modified enough to remove the fingerprint. https://www.digimarc.com/docs/default-source/technology-resources/white-papers/rhozet_wp_fingerprinting_watermarking.pdf
  4. itsme

    NinaBilder thread

    Do she go on cam anymore?
  5. Apply a blur filter or crop out everything but the part that you want to show.
  6. For you setup I'd say go for it. Especially if it's being provided by the ISP, because they typically have dedicated lines just for SIP traffic so it will be more reliable. Your your speed is more than enough, it actually doesn't use that much bandwidth, it's more about latency.
  7. It really depends on the service provider and your setup. If you're going to use something like Skype or Google voice your biggest concern will be making sure that you have enough bandwidth. If you're going the route of setting up your own PBX and SIP trunk things can be a bit more complicated.
  8. Yes there is some limited storage space, but just be aware that you can't actually install programs, so if you use a particular gallery or screen shot program it likely won't work unless their is an app for it.
  9. I can't think of any reason why it would be happening as a result of visiting RLC. And really, the only thing I can think of that might cause that would be some kind of Wake on LAN setting on your computer, but that seems unlikely.
  10. There is a limited amount of storage on the machine, but they really want you to use Google Drive. They give you 100GB free for a year I believe.
  11. Now they are for sale. Not a surprise really. http://www.wsj.com/articles/playboy-enterprises-explores-sale-1458845313
  12. An interesting read: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/04/11/gay-talese-the-voyeurs-motel "The entries become increasingly portentous, and Foos starts to invest the omniscient Voyeur character with godlike qualities. He appears to be losing his grip on reality. But only once, while posted in the attic, did he actually speak through a vent to a person below. He was looking down on Room 6, where he saw a guest eating Kentucky Fried Chicken while sitting on the bed. Instead of using paper napkins, the man cleaned his hands on the bedsheets. He then wiped the grease off his beard and mouth with the bedspread. Without realizing what he was doing, Foos shouted, “You son of a bitch!”
  13. This woman is a bit off the wall but can be entertaining none the less. Here is her porno hub page: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56f1cbbf0608b She and her husband run the channel.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3-YiYR1ARa7Sflj4XV6-Q
  15. I know this is old but I thought I'd add my two cents. In my opinion Chrome books are Only good for browsing the internet. Don't expect them to do anymore than that. I'd say the main benefits are that they are relatively fast, they are light, and the battery life is pretty good. I wouldn't recommend them for work.
  16. Got up at 12:30 AM EST no panties on.
  17. What username do they use on Bonga?
  18. Nice work compiling the data points. I think some cool things could be done with this.
  19. It looks like the woman on the T.V. is watching her. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  20. Ball scratch. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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