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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Pretty much, but some things can change, as for example: Sher don't seem to want to go out as much, so when Polya leaves, Regina might spend more time home with Sher.
  2. Well, Carolina doesn't act as a tenant, she is a visitor, come there to sleep shower and go out, but yes, it is exactly the same as Anna, Lola, Polya, Tereza and Regina, so maybe it is their status that should be degraded instead... LOL! Tereza and Regina are new, so they'll have time to proove themselves, but I'm just waiting for Anna, Lola and Polya to leave, hope the day will come soom.
  3. I don't see why or how she would fake this sickness. She was very unwell! Going to the doctor in a foreign country, I speculate that all the phone calls might have been checking her insurance. She also went through some papers, with she took with her. To the people on this thread, I think many girls fake alot of things in this apartments, but do not assisiate me with this talk about Sofie.
  4. Exactly! Last sex they had was in March, Maya started bating in May, so something happened there. I'm just asking: How long can RLC let it go on like this? How long will RLC keep a sunken ship in their fleet? Several more more months? Or year?
  5. What is really happening in this apartment? Lifes continues as if nothing happened? How long can it go on like this? Do we even know if they are still were a couple, or just staying together just to keep the apartment? I understand Maya has fans on here, and they may once have been a exiting couple, but it it not much left now. This apartment and relationship is dead, since a long time. Isn't it time to move on? I think both we and RLC would only benfit from some fresh new blood.... but how long will RLC let it go on?
  6. Sofie is really unwell, stomack flu, or food poisoning or something? Hasn't the other girls checked on her???? But that man is nice taking care of her.
  7. It is the most intimate real life they have to offer, maybe RLC might recycle them for yet another stay, or just extend this current stay by another couple of months, or year
  8. I think you missunderstood me! N&K are true lesbiand, and they are great. But you indicated that we want lesbian sex in the barca apartments too, that is what I commented on.
  9. I don't want lesbian sex with straight girls at all. I can't speak for others, but I'd like the apartments to have atleast alittle life, some genuinity, in them. Here all life is kept outside, and they compansate by doing some put on show.
  10. She always does, also during sex. OK, it is still good, but to me, it is too staged to be called voyeur, pussy straight at cam, face always hidden. Zoya is a lovely girls, but because of this, I'm not a big fan. Also, Lev is an abusive slob, so I have sympathy with her, but..... they have been away nearly two months, a couple of bates by Zoya a returning gift is nice, but can't say I have missed them much, or seen much reaction on them being away for so long, so I don't see why RLC should keep supporting this apartment.
  11. She always does, also during sex. In my opinion Zoya is one of the tenants on RLC most aware of cam angles, on good and bad. Zoya even more so than Leora. Action pussy is pointed straight at the cam, and her face is always hidden during sexual activity.
  12. If they were married, or in a serious relationship, yes! I couldn't do it, or know how they manage to live with it, but even some married couples have open relationships. But I doubt this girls are in such serious comitted relationships, some might be, many not. Their "boyfriends" must have some idea of what they are doing in Barcelona, atleast I would think so. Maybe some of these girls have a boy in every port. I don't know their life situation. If something happened to me, to someone in my cercle of friends, relatives, coworkers or whatever, I would see it as cheating, I would probably loose most respect for that person.
  13. I think you took me alittle too serious. I do not support cheating, not at all, it is a serious betrayal and very stupid, but it is their and their partner's problem. We don't know their arrangements with their boyfriends, so we don't know if it is cheating. I agree RLC should cast single, not comitted girls, but I don't expect the girls to be nuns. I don't support cheating, but if they are alittle loose, I don't view them as "scum".
  14. And cam #3 is back, finally, after atleast amonth!
  15. Yes, the problem isn't that they have other interests outside, every healthy person should have, but the problem is that it has taken overhand, there is no real life inside the apartments. I'm not K&K's biggest fan, but Heidi is a very good example. She was away much too, but she had an interesting and genuine life, on cam for us to follow, and that is what I'm here for, not just here to get show of naked body in a orchestrated body painting party. I agree, and nothing will change unless they do so. We see it now, the returning girls have established their way of living, with a network outside in Barcelona, not really living a life in these apartments, besides some occational put on show, and whenever a new girl arrives, the returning girls drag the new girls into the same way of life.
  16. And L&T have been UM a whole day again, obviously alot of work needed to be done it that apartment, hope they don't forget cam #3 this time!
  17. I like the Nina & Alan apartment, but I like real life, don't need to be crazy wild parties all the time
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