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Everything posted by ed2

  1. WOW!!!! Sofie might be good, she is sensual and takes her time, but VASILISA, that was amazing!! Maybe not long and sensual, but it is very good bate, showing everything, comes nicely,I'll compare her to veterans as Leora or Zoya (except Zoya hides her face, Vasil did not)
  2. I asked StnCl, he said: "The SSL Security Ticket needs to be renewed. I have e-Mailed Admin about it. Once the Certificate is renewed the Site will be back online. It's something that has been overlooked. With all the going on over the last Month or so with the DMCA Garbage it's not hard to overlook something."
  3. From my "sources" (mostly just reading CC and RLCF), also Violetta was from this new agency..... but it is uncertan if Tereza are, she seemed to be friends with Polya.
  4. I do not understand your language?????? I'm no proffessor! We see things differently, I just agreed on noldus' statement
  5. I agree on Anna's bates. I wasn't here her last time, but she bated 3 times this time. Gina did a few very faked "bates", or rubs, all a show for the cams. This was under cover, and looks more like a quick relief, not a tease show. Even if she put up a tent to hide in, I think it was pretty good, woderfull orgasms, nice face expressions.
  6. As the others here, I think you missed spock's point, but this is getting too repititative.... spock, I agree with most you say, but please drop it, for this forum's sake.
  7. Not nessicerily, it is called masturbation! I think spock's point is that RLC should cast tenant that are not so involved in the model industry, clubbing and private parties. I don't want sex all the time.... and persolally, I prefer to see the girls preparing to go out, then return home late at night, but not every single day!! And I rather see something alittle more real and genuine whenever they are home. To me, the tease shows that they do are just silly and stupid. Before everyone starts missinterpretting me, for exaple Heidi was great, she didn't do these artifical shows, nor did she hide all her private life. I have never said that having a private life on cam meand that they have to be glued at home! I have said many times, but no one wants to understand anyway! P.S. Yes, I thought I had ignored you, but it still shows up when you quote, so need to check my settings.
  8. Did Zoya put on weight during the month away? She is still very skinny, but not as unhealthy Auswitz skinny as I remembered, or is it just me?
  9. Well, stay at CC then, if you can't tackle it. There are some really good people at RLCF chat, there we share information, thoughts and also as you say, speculation. But leave it to us then, if you don't like it. And as @toolmaker123 has said many times, unlike an other unnamed forum, RLCF is a forum of opinions.
  10. OK, but still, he was there alone with Sofie, maybe Sofie didn't like that the others left the guy there alone with her, or maybe it was that he also started to cover cams again, first in bathroom, now in LR, so anyhow, I think the UM was to get the guy out.
  11. I think more like bud They left that guy alone in there, I think Lola even lent him the keys when they left, so RLC might not approve of that, security reasons!
  12. I agree on that, great improvement from D&D. I think fresh new people is good for the site, next I'm waiting on now is Maya&Stephan to be replaced, then maybe Zoya&Lev.
  13. 2 new cam, one in the kitchen, one in the living room. They said they would add a cam in the dressing room too, but no cam there yet.
  14. I never found Dasha more than average looking, and most of the sexual activity I ever saw was always pretty much hidden/undercover, so I can't say she ever interested me much, I'm not a fan of hers
  15. He said earlier today, before going out, they had to be back before 7, because he needed to pack before leaving (home) tonight
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