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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Yeah well I don't give a shit what anyone says. I wanna see some Big Red action! Solo or John Waters orgy style!
  2. Yeah I don't have access to the bedroom, but I can hear her yelling at him over the TV. Sounds like it's not going well for him. Earlier when he pushed her away she basically gave him the "Get the fuck out of my face" look and started reading her book again.
  3. Well she just scootched herself around so her ass is facing the mirror, this is gonna end extremely well. Keeps putting her hands up her shirt and looking at herself in the mirror. She is doing her damndest right now to get Paul to give her a dicking, but he's just being.....well being paul
  4. Yeah I watched this spectacle as well. Which you'll prob see my reaction in other threads lol. Freaking Paul. But as I was saying I love that he leaves the room and she goes right back to masturbating. Also on the 'He can't get hard' front. Paul is decently well endowed. Bigger than average but well below male porn star territory. It's said that the bigger you are the harder it is to reach erection. Which is why many male porn stars flame out before getting past their mid 30's.
  5. I love the fact that Paul leaves the room and goes to lay on the couch. She goes right back to rubbing herself again. Also is she listening to Guns N Roses circa mid 90's? She have a thing for Axel Rose?
  6. lol lovely Leora turned the TV to a channel and motioned to Paul about something that was on it as if to say "Here watch this." She then went into the guest room and pulled out her phone and is lightly rubbing herself on top of her shorts. It's like she set up a distraction so she could go play. *edit* looks like she's gonna get down and dirty with her bad self any minute now. It's funny though she quickly moves her hand away every time the dogs ears perk up, like she's using it as an early warning device.
  7. This is a pretty important moment in history. It's the moment where Leora just stopped giving fucks. "No you stay over there, I'll do this myself. You always fuck it up anyway."
  8. Awwwww shit! No wonder Carla is trying to ditch Mario. *Edit* - Ok, so Carla and dude were sitting there at the table. She then started unpacking her purse thing. She pulled out a pair of short shorts that were see-through, a pair of underwear, and a wife beater tank top and held them up for him. Each article he looked at and nodded his head, said something and gave a thumbs up. She then repacked everything, they got up and left the apt. Perhaps he's giving her fashion tips?
  9. So just a quick question. Does Big Red ever shower? Or does she go somewhere else to shower? I only ask because I've seen her basically living here for the past couple of weeks, but I've never seen her outside the living room at all.
  10. So did Carla officially kick out Mario? Haven't seen either him or the dog in a couple of days and she's cleaning like a chihuahua on crack like she's prepping for a new roommate.
  11. She's done this a couple of times before. Lets see if this one sticks.
  12. Damn kids with their vidja games and hippin hop and doing the mary wannas
  13. The curtain blew in front of the camera.
  14. Well I didn't say it made sense lol. But yeah it seemed kind of hypocritical to get mad about something like that.
  15. ARE YOU FREAKING SHITTING ME!? No wonder Paul is getting jealous when she goes to school.
  16. According to some people in another thread some of their arguments were about Paul being jealous of other guys staring at her while she was at school. But with Paul being in the military and Leora going to school there might be some empty cam time in the upcoming days.
  17. I saw Carla fill up and take the food bowl into the guest bedroom with her. Then she called the dog in there and shut the door after they turned out all the lights. Mario went into the master bedroom and shut the door. Make of that what you will.
  18. Looks like Paul is having himself a Ninja Wank right now. He's got his back angled towards Leora who's passed out on the couch and keeps tugging it 'Discretely' just in case she wakes up
  19. That look on the dogs face as she walks by. "Heeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeee"
  20. I know what I'm about to say is controversial and I may get raked over the coals for it. But I was born an American dammit and I'll stand up for what I believe in! So here it goes. LEORA HAS A REALLY NICE ASS! Phew, its good to finally get that off my chest.
  21. Well just from personal experience I can say that sometimes couples just get out of sync with each other. My GF and I have been dating for about 6 years now and there have been weeks, sometimes even a couple of months, where shit just gets out of wack. Granted it's never been a problem with sex for us as even if we're not in the mood we'll still do it because we know the other is rearing to go. But during those times we'll both end up masturbating more then usual and snapping at each other with short fuses. So that is probably whats up with Leora. Secondly Paul seems pretty gung-ho about his schooling and spends a lot of time tinkering around at his workstation trying to get school projects done. Leora is actually quite lucky that Paul doesn't spread his crap all over the apt. and even respects that she basically has the entire guest room to do whatever she wants with it. That's another aspect that might be coming between them. She seems like a super affectionate girl and just a few months ago she was all over him all the time. So he might be putting his foot down and saying "Sweety I love you and everything but I have to get this done." but by the time he gets whatever project he's working on completed she's no longer in the mood. So in the end the occasional blowjob is more then likely what I first mentioned above about one of them not being into it but going through the motions for the benefit of the other. The good news is that couples will tend to fall back into line and get that spark back. But until whatever is a driving force behind the tension eases up it'll be a little rough. Again just my two cents and personal experiences.
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