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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Well, that's it folks. The final straw for this old camels back. I'm hoping this is just an error on their part and "Accidentally" put her behind a paywall. But knowing how the owners of this site constantly mishandle it I know it's not.
  2. Wait wait wait, you're telling me that there's a bar out there where Marla is dressed like this? I need to know the name of the PUB!!!!!
  3. Holy crap you guys need to make a comic of this lol. That's some intensely deep storytelling RP
  4. Holy crap that sounds fucking awesome! I've always loved the hard-boiled detective noir of the 40's. Where the detectives only friend was the .45 in his holster and the flask of whiskey in his pocket.
  5. lol She's going to end up being better at it than you are.
  6. I honestly have no idea how Marla and Hector get anything done. If she wore that outfit there is no way I'd be able to keep my hands to myself.
  7. You know it's weird, when this site first appeared I actually praised it for not being underhanded or skeevy and just being 100% straight forward for what it was. They blatantly stated that yes this was indeed a porn site, but it happened to be a 24/7 porn site that you could watch the residents live their lives. But the more I watched the more questionable it seemed. Especially with the contests they were holding and the "Reality" show on their blogs. The black dude (Think his name was Darryn? I can't remember. It was spelled weird whatever it was) even walked off one time when he was in the middle of having sex with a girl and refused to come back for a few hours. Poor dude looked like he was on the verge of bawling his eyes out and just walked off with his head hung low. I don't speak the language that well. But he got on the phone and was telling someone he was sorry and he loved them over and over. The girl started texting someone and eventually got dressed, yelled at someone on the phone and then the next week she was "Voted" off the project despite being one of the more popular girls in the apt. The whole site went downhill pretty fast. What could have been a cool mix of something like VH/RLC with Chaturbate ended up being really gross to watch.
  8. Lol my GF did that to me once when she was on the phone. I pulled my dick out and started twirling it around. She was trying to avoid eye contact but I kept moving directly into her line of site. She had tears rolling down her face from trying to hold back laughter. When she hung up she threw the phone at me and yelled "You cockmunch! That was my mom!" Its a running gag with us now if one of us is on the phone we specifically have to say "Hey, this is really important call" otherwise she'll whip her boobs out and make them clap together right beside my head or I'll flop my dick around making it smack back and forth.
  9. Same with my girl. She can be anywhere in the house and my spidey sense starts tingling. They're like face magnets.
  10. Hey man I love you guys, both you and Marla are good people. Always having fun and doing your own thing. LOL and you're both a couple of nerdy geeks. Just like me! BTW! Oculus Rift is fun as heck! All the games right now feel a bit gimicky, but as the technology start getting into more and more hands of the developers I can see nothing but amazing things in the future!!! Plus most porn sites like Xhamster have a VR section now lmao. So.....3D porn! WOOHOO!
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again @Creriganyou two are absolutely adorable together
  12. Jesus Christ what the hell happened to this forum? What used to be a fun place to come and discuss the tenants has become this bullshit of a shell it used to be. You either have people narrating every detail and thought they have while watching the tenants watch TV, or you have people bitching about the fact that the tenants aren't fucking porn stars 24/7 It's gotten so bad that even the regulars have stopped coming here. The level of delusion certain people have on this site is baffling thinking they're talking directly to them or directing their actions. The only saving grace is that the mods saw the writing on the wall and created the general chat so it wouldn't clog up the Pic/Vids threads, but it still spills over into those occasionally. I swear to god its like the early days of Twitter in here.
  13. @jabbath1987so how did it go man? I hope Pete had an amazing birthday and you guys treated him right.
  14. I love Marla's Harley outfit. Skin tight and cute as a button!
  15. It's good to see you guys again! As the topic states we miss you two dearly! Never has a more perfect couple graced the site and I'm sure never will again. I'm happy you guys are doing so well after leaving. AND HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY MAN!!!!!
  16. Wow, That is rough. I've been on business trip for the past few weeks so I've missed a lot of stuff going on. I'm so sorry you two are having to go through this but don't you ever give up your dream. Your heart and soul are in this game. I would hate to see you and the lovely Marla go but I would do the exact same thing if given the choice. All I ask is that you two keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. It may be tough now but I fully expect this game to be successful. Just have to get through this rough patch. Whatever you are Marla decide I wish you the best of luck and I'll be cheering for you guys.
  17. If you like her style just wait until you see her booty. *Head Explosion*
  18. LOL Absolutely! I would be more surprised if they actually thought of anyone on this site as a friend to be honest. These girls and guys know whats up. Once the money dries up there is absolutely no reason to stick around. The idea of making friends on this site if you're one of the tenants is kind of laughable. The whole point of being a voyeur is to watch someone without influencing them. You just let them do their thing and if it happens that one of the women turns out to be a Nympho then so be it. But if they're on the forums asking people what they think about things and what kind of party they should be throwing then it's nothing more than fishing for views and trying to drive hype.
  19. lol well I'm glad you felt the need to come into a forum for Leora to say how bored you are of Leora and prefer not to watch Leora while Leora does Leora things. Leora.
  20. Well I can't speak for anyone else but I do know that L&P stated they were pretty much done with all of this. But I totally get what you mean. I feel like most of the people on the site are just doing it as a job. But when you have tenants like Lexy and Pete or Marla and Hector you know they're doing it either for the lifestyle or because it was, to quote the voluptuous Lexy herself, A really fun experience. But overall I liked L&P because they were really fun. I don't think I've ever seen a couple laugh and enjoy each others company as much as those two.
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