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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. lmao pete's dancing is hilarious. He's that guy every group of friends have that's goofy as hell but everyone loves.
  2. I think he was referring to the other night when Pete and Anna had sex on the couch after Lexy went to bed. She gave her permission well before hand when the other guest was still there.
  3. She gave Ana a very intimate kiss goodnight. Quite a lovely girl there. Hope she comes back soon.
  4. Not enough "Like" buttons for this post.
  5. Ana and Lexy cuddled together on the couch. I think Ana may have missed Lexy more than Pete did lol.
  6. LOL Ana must have read your post @jabbath1987because she's up sucking on Lexy's tits right now.
  7. ha ha I don't think I've ever seen a girl handle their liquor as well as Ana does. That girl is like a fish. Even an Irishmen would be impressed with her.
  8. Wow, their friend is pretty damn attractive. She has an ass that I dare say rivals Anastasia's
  9. Also, Marla in Pirate outfit? Oh hell yes!
  10. That's amazing, a match made in heaven. The roleplay gods brought you two together.
  11. I'd give my left nut to have just 1 night to disappoint these girls in bed
  12. hey @Creriganvery curious. How did you and Marla meet?
  13. Welcome back @Lexy&PeteWe missed you! Pete was a very good boy while you were gone. Anastasia kept him in line and made sure he ate properly.
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