This apartment is in Spain. This "Yoga" couple will be gone back to Russia in three months...same as Nelly and Bogdan. Question is, will they stay with the project after that?
Adriana is an extremely attractive woman! True, she may not be everyone's type, but you can't say she's not good looking. Plus she's very sexy in that bedroom! addition, if you're going to leave the guy out, then TELL HIM TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY! we can at least see the fake lesbo stuff. FFS after he finally nutted ...he spent the next 1/2 hour in front of the camera cleaning the bathroom floor with an old swiffer pad. He was holding up the action ...they kept telling him to get out, but he just kept wiping the fucking floor.
No I've seen everything!
VV hires some pretty useless and stupid guys!
Actually it was Tanya and Dizi that got me to sub...they were having a great time in the bathtub (interrupted from time to time by Karen), but they were involved in a long seduction over a number of days. They even got down to it in apt2...then asian boy interrupted them and that was that.
This is BS
That butch blond that's been after Nina lately seems to be in on it. She's in there with the two of them...they are holding down Kira.
I think kira is fed up with her putting the move on Nina.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, but it's true that a policeman came to the least thats what he looked like. As for terrified? Well asian dude was dancing up a storm like usual and then laying on the bearded guy trying to dry hump him after Petra went to the hall to speak to him. I should add that it was likely a visit to address all the noise this crew makes in the apartment.
FCPV, Adobe Premier Pro and Sony Vegas are truly for pros. None of us is a motion picture editor. People go to school to learn these suites.
Cyberlink is just on of a number of programs that are right for home non pro use. Still it is very powerful in it's own rite.