Very touching and yes all those who went deserve our utmost respect and thanks.
But...remember that two of my uncles and many many others went ashore that day as well...and they were NOT American.
Yes thank you for the translation Kitek. As for your comment mr smurf, you will note that there are or have been several lesbian couples and apartments on RLC. They can keep them all! The reason for interest in K&K is that they ARE NOT LESBIANS, yet have the potential for bi activities with each other. There is a difference to some of us, I'm not going to explain it. You'll have to continue to deal with it.
This is the most entertaining she has been since she got there. She took all the plants, drink and food out of the case and started over. the first thing she put back in was that stuffed took up 3/4 od the
D&D live in St Petersburg Russia and went to visit M&S in their apartment (somewhere in southern Europe) for a couple of weeks...leaving their apartment to others. M&S are from St Peterburg originally as well.
Look at the time zones!
Excuse mon Francais Un aux des femmes (cheveux noir)) dans l'aparement son departir. alors une autre femme arrive...elle sont inteme avec le femme qui ne pas sortir (avec le femme cheveux rouge). RLC remove l'apartement le jour apres.
In short, one of the girls left the apartment and another arrived. She was intimate with the remaining redhead and RLC shut it down the next day.
The reason these two are sleeping naked IMO is that since Irma left, they have little recourse but to up their game...if only by a little bit. Lay around naked ...that will keep the RLC subs happy. Thus reducing their need to "perform"
You clearly did not see everything. They were playing after the redhead spent the previous hour or two crying for whatever reason. The brunette clearly has her hands full cry's all the time.
I agree, its a bad deal. You are missing NOTHING in this apartment if you haven't subscribed. They hide and place themselves strategically with one person blocking the camera. Also they lay mostly across the pillows at the top of the bed as far away as they can get.
RLC ripoff again