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Everything posted by le5b05

  1. Arrrgh! The last line was for my next post, now I can't seem to edit it out. My stupidity strikes again HaHaHa, must click submit before writing next one.
  2. Hi alokin. Not sure if you read one of my previous posts. I made it on December 31 I think. It explains about why I had been away. This also explains why I said the things I did. If anyone else is wondering then take a look, or I will repost it if anyone is interested, but do not want to bore anyone.
  3. Don't be such a wuss!!! You are definitely getting paranoid. Only joking. Yeah it can be a bit weird, it's like the eyes in a good portrait painting that follow you around the room. Of course it is well known that they LOVE pizzas. Especially when they nuke it the next morning for breakfast (UGH). Hmmm. Kira and DE painting their balls right now. Interesting?
  4. Hi alokin. How are you? Happy New Year to you. A little too generalistic when you consider how much Kira does. She works long hours, and does most of the cooking and cleaning. All the laundry etc. As I've said in past posts. Life is far too short to waste it on things that make you bored. Really, do you know how much life you have left? No. No one does. Well, some of us are told we might not have a lot at sometime. Click elsewhere and have some fun. You owe it to yourself. Don't wait until your end is at hand and you start to regret all the time you wasted on things that did not really matter to you. No! I am not having a go at you. Just pointing out that your time is precious, use it well.
  5. Very lucky indeed. The visit lasted for about an hour, which was just about right. Kira chatted cheerfully with Mum and Dad. Lots of smiles and quite a few laughs. Nina As always, on her phone, but not too much. meanwhile , Kira had checked on DE and took her a cup of tea and cake. Then cleared up after her later. DE did join in the conversation with Mum and Dad at one stage, but from a distance in the hallway, before returning to the bedroom. As the parents left, Nina had 3 hugs from Mum and 2 hugs from Dad in the hallway. Kira sat on the edge of the small sofa in the hallway, but sadly no hugs, though there were cheerful goodbyes from the parents. I would call that a very successful afternoon tea visit. May there be more just like this. DE emerged from the bedroom just as soon as they left, normal service is now resumed. So that explains the clean up in the early hours by Kira and Nina. The apartment is looking much cleaner and tidier now, so the girls did well. I for one am proud of them.
  6. Kira is playing Mother, serving up tea and Chocolate cake for the 4 of them. She is loving it. She finally sits down next to Dad, a proper family get together. This is exactly how it should be. Bravo to all of them.
  7. Nina and DE back in the apartment. Kira arrives later with some shopping, and water bottles for the cooler, then starts clean-up in the living room. Nina helps too. A few minutes later and Nina's parents turn up, tellingly Nina is the only one who gets a hug from Mum. A short while later Kira and DE try to put a bottle in the cooler, but struggle (those things are heavy). Mum comes to the rescue, putting her arms around Kira and helping her lift it in. It was quite sweet. So in effect Kira did get a hug fom Mum. DE is relegated to the bedroom with the laptop. Nina's Dad brings in too bags of presents, one for Nina and one for Kira. This is brilliant! There is not the fear or estrangement in Kira, as in the last time I saw them visit. So full acceptance of their relationship and situation is given by Nina's parents. This is wonderful.
  8. Nina and Kira have had a quiet night in together, probably watching a movie. There were a few kisses and cuddles and affection between them. very Nice. Earlier in the day DE was also there. The three of them sitting on the sofa watching TV. DE, Kira and Nina left to right, which is important. At one stage, Kira and Nina held hands and caressed each other in a rare show of affection right in front of DE. To me it seemed deliberate, to let DE know that they were the married couple, and she was an interloper. As I said, it is rare for them to do this if DE is in the apartment. Sometimes only doing so if DE goes to the bathroom. Then stopping when she returns. I did not see DE leave and in what circumstances, so do not know if all is Ok with them all. Later in the night, Nina and Kira were doing clean-up in the bedroom. Cleaning the ceiling lights with wet wipes, and the picture frames etc. Also in the bathroom too. Seemed a little strange so late in the night 03:00. Oh and I think someone asked about the colour of Nina's eyes the other day. Definitely more Blue than Grey. She looked almost directly at the camera in the bathroom, so a positive ID. Either way, they are still georgeous. Off to bed for them and I think it's going to be another quiet night, but they look very happy together.
  9. All three girls in the apartment tonight, sitting on the sofa. DE and Kira watching something on the laptop and laughing a lot. Nina on her phone and only glancing at the laptop, not paying too much attention to it. So all is quite normal for now. It's just after 04:00 their time, so I suspect they will be off to bed before long. Kira as always is looking very tired. No alcohol being drunk, so it should be a quiet night, seperate beds. Yes folks, to some it's boring. I just like to see them happy. For those that do not, extra entertainment is but a single click away. Have fun. No seriously. Have fun, because that is what life should be about.
  10. Hi folks! Just checked in on the two girls again. Now having a bath together. Looks like they have kissed and made up from any arguments they had yesterday. Like I've said. This year could be very interesting, as it's starting off so well. Unfortunately only Freeloading right now, so they are somewhere I cannot follow right now. Which is a real shame. Oh well, maybe in the future???
  11. Very interesting, I suspected a time delay but could never prove it. Boring and goody-goody is great, believe me. I think that goes for most of us here. Someone said in a recent post that if they were on RLC then it would be as boring as hell. Well it takes a special kind of person to do what the participants in RLC do. Honestly! Ask yourself this question. Could any of you tolerate the scrutiny of these cameras? I think not! Which is why we should give them a bit of leeway in their behaviour, because it must be very difficult at times to behave normally. Hope that's not too controversial? If it is not, then I have lost my touch again.
  12. I did not see all the earlier stuff but shortly after I looked in on them earlier, around 4:00 their time they all had disappeared from the apartment. Their coats and bags were still in the hallway, but their phones were missing. (Kira has a new phone by the way, Nina helped her set it up earlier in the day). They came back about two hours later, it looks like they popped in to one of their neighbours for a New Years Drink. They were all OK and smiling again. Though Kira especially was looking very, very tired. Nina lay on the carpet in the Living Room, whilst DE and Kira cleared away the dishes and Kira made tea for all of them. They quietly sat down together to drink their tea and looked OK, which is where I had to leave them. It looks to me that the status quo has been re-established, and they are going to carry on through this year same as before. Though maybe just a bit more volatile. It will definitely be worth watching. So Happy New Year girls. May 2018 bring you prosperity and happiness. But most of all I hope it brings you good health, for that is the most important of all.
  13. Just dropped in on the girls, and Kira is there too now. So just the three of them, though they are smiling and looking happy. Here it is past midnight. The last year will go down in UK history as not one of our greatest. 2018 is going to be a much, much better year for everyone here in the UK. So Happy New Year folks, from all of us in this little corner of England.
  14. They are getting ready for a Party. Maybe joy will return to this apartment soon.
  15. Hello folks, I'm back. For good or bad. I know some appreciate my take on our two favourite girls, and I know some do not . That is the way of the world. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. The following is is not a sob story, but one of joy and hope. Without wishing to tempt fate, it looks like my battle with Cancer is almost won. I have been blessed with a great team of people, in probably one of the best Cancer treatment centres in the UK. What is more, I am just 15 minutes walk away. So right now I feel as if I am one of the luckiest people in the world. It is strange when you stare at your own mortality down the barrel of life's gun. You never know how you are going to react! I reacted positively and I was determined to beat it, and that carried me through some of the dark times, and there were many. I played the Fool at the centre (something that comes naturally to me, as some of you will know). Cheered up most of my fellow patients, and had loads of laughs with the staff. Laughter really is a very good medicine. Some were left in peace, quiet and solitude, for that is how they wanted to deal with it. It is all a matter of respecting other peoples wishes and views. In one months time, after more tests, I will know one way or the other. I have every confidence it will be a positive outcome. Previous tests threw up some other serious health issues, all caught early and dealt with, I have now been given a clean bill of health on those. So like I said one of the luckiest men alive. That is all for this post, I will leave it for a while to let it sink in. Oh! and it's good to talk about Cancer, it is no longer the certain death sentence it used to be. Thanks to some wonderful people and ground breaking research around the world. Thanks for reading the above. L
  16. I think it is probably a bit of both. We all know how Nina craves attention. The worrying thing is the trigger that kicks it off. Until she finds out what it is, then it will continue ad infinitum. She needs to keep a diary of food and drink. That is the starting point. From there, she may be able to pin down what it is. If not food or drink related, then certain actions she performs may be the trigger. Perhaps, like today, it is frustration at not finding something that starts it. Methinks I will have to research this to try and find some common triggers. If anyone with the requisite language skills could help, then please feel free to enlighten us.
  17. Hello to you sir. It has been said about Nina before if memory serves me well. The mood swings she has are a little severe. Kira must find them dificult to deal with, but deal with them she does, and admirably so. It's a real roller coaster of a relationship. I wonder if it's food or drink related? Too much sugar or too much coffee can aggravate such disorders. Nina was eating an awful lot of chocolate earlier this afternoon.
  18. I am not sure because Replay is playing up for me just lately . Though it looks as if Nina left before Kira. So there probably IS a gig tonight. Afterwards Kira was tidying the apartment, Playing Guitar and singing. Having a jolly good time. She left on her own some time later. Singing to herself looking like one of the happiest people in the world. Which is what everyone on here likes to see. Her smile is just so captivating.
  19. Phew! It looks like it was just a practice session Nina went to. She came back just before 17:00 with some roses for Kira. Hugs and kisses now, all seems well again. What a roller coaster life thay have. Which is why we are so fascinated by it I suppose.
  20. OH Dear. They are arguing again. It looks like Nina has a gig tonight. She could not find something, to go with the red net skirt she likes. So she started shouting at Kira. A big shouting match followed, with neither giving any quarter. Nina packed some stuff in a bag and stormed out without Kira. Obviously not invited. This is what annoys Kira more than anything. Nina going out without her, and meeting up with others, she is not happy with. A little later and the argument continues via the phones. Both shouting at each other. I could hear Nina quite clearly. Same old situation as before. These girls need a counsellor. Well they know how to contact me. I shall play peacemaker in the middle. Some one who will listen to the problems they have with each other. Then talk them through to a conclusion. I've done this sort of thing before. I'm Just a PM away girls!...
  21. Not surprising with less than an hours sleep. I think anyone would be sad. As the wake up "game" has been going on forever it seems. I am surprised that this has not happened more often. More than likely they have travelled together each morning. Now that things have changed and Nina drives more, there is no need to wait for her. By the way kira went out in an outfit she has worn before. That time the fashion police (me actually) bemoaned the fact she wore a mismatching belt with it. I think she must have read that post and this time abandoned the belt. Good girl. PM me if you need any more info.
  22. Kira is not messing about this morning. Off to work without Nina and without a goodbye it seems. To be fair, Nina does look sick. Probably Flu, or just a heavy cold. Either way that must have been a heavy night for both of them.
  23. Well! The girls arrive home just before 07:30 their time. Nina looking incredibly tired goes straight to bed. Kira follows a few minutes later. This time it is Kira who uses her phone whilst Nina eventually cuddles up to her. A few hugs and kisses and they drift off to sleep. Less than an hour later, and Kira is trying to get Nina out of bed. Nina is having none of it and refuses flat out. Kira leaves storms out of the bedroom annoyed. She is not playing the "game" this morning. Into the lounge and straight onto the Laptop. A little later and Kira is getting dressed to go out. Nina is still in bed. Kira looks to be going out in a DRESS again. Wow! This happening more and more often.
  24. Very gracious of you. I am sure they appreciate the gesture. So when is the gig? And is it a large venue? Just wondering. Been offline for a while so having to play catch up. No one in the apartment right now, except the cats. So they are enjoying LOTS of freedom. I think we can afford to give them that.
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