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Everything posted by le5b05

  1. It looks like they are setting up to do a vlog. Kira and DE setting up the lighting and backdrop. Whilst Nina is putting on her make-up. Very interesting indeed.
  2. So off they all go again. This time Nina and Kira first. Separately from DE. Then DE soon followed, she packed all her things in a bag, so I doubt if she is coming back tonight.
  3. Kira often goes out shopping on her own on Sundays. I think she may have brought some food back for "Breakfast". Looks like they are eating chocolate brioche. Not quite as good as the chocolate ice cream they had this morning. Yummy! Nina had her ice cream served on a little Heart shaped plate. Awww. Sweet.
  4. It has been said on here before that they sometimes go to church. How true that is? I do not know. Nina also has a problem with an upper left tooth, so maybe it was a visit to the Dentist?
  5. After around 3 hours sleep. Nina and Kira are up and dressed in casual clothes and go out. For what I thought would be a few hours. Just checked and they are back in bed. So maybe a visit to Church this morning. Kira already catching up on her sleep. Sweet dreams precious. And now Nina. So same to you.
  6. So the girls have had a really good night together. Watching a movie or something on TV. Playing innocent games. A great deal of laughter and many smiles. The happiest I have seen them all for a long time. For me it is perfect. Seeing Nina and Kira smile fills my heart with joy. For some I understand that this will not be enough. Please do not complain. Do not waste your time, it is more precious than that. 1 click is all it takes.
  7. Just logged in 23:000 their time. All 3 are in the apartment. Surprisingly Nina is showing Kira a lot of affection to Kira even though DE is right there in front of them. This is happening more and more. I think there is now an understanding between all 3 that N&K belong together. DE is being sidelined.
  8. Or maybe this one?Only with the element Mercury. Which is more than likely.
  9. Hi. I think it is a bottle of Jack Daniels. It is probably standing on a little flat LED lamp. Or it could be integral. I think JD and coke is one of Kira's favourite drinks by the way. On the subject of lighting. I have been doing some research to help the girls. At IKEA they have some floor lamps. Now for the nerdy bit, but bear with me. NOT. Floor uplighter, black, white. Article Number : 901.398.75 These throw the light upwards and it bounces off the ceiling. Just 2 or 3 of these strategically placed will fill the living room with abundant light. With the right bulbs it is a good light, that is easier on the eyes. So less tiring. Then there will be no need for that annoying lamp. So here's the deal. If they pick up on this and do it. Then up-vote the hell out of it. let's turn my one tiny squeak into a roar. This will also encourage the girls. Maybe even shame RLC into fixing the other issues in the apartment. So what do you think folks? Surely it's worth a try.
  10. All three girls in the kitchen at the table. I think they are watching Nina sing and perform on the Laptop. It sounds like her, but not sure.
  11. Hmmm! Kira back home, preparing food in kitchen. Wearing only her panties! OMG I think I'm going to faint.
  12. Nina back home in the bedroom. Looking as SEXY as hell. . Loving this girl more and more
  13. Yeah! All in black/Navy blue. With the new hair colour. She looks stunning. The girl's got style.
  14. Oh! Doe eyes is back. I thought we had seen the last of her. They were looking so happy together just the two of them. I suspect the mood in the apartment has changed.
  15. Nina is looking unwell. Getting comforted by Kira. Hope it is nothing serious. Get well soon precious.
  16. Kira is home and it looks like she has bought Nina another cuddly chick. Awww. Bigger than most of the others, though not as big as Jaws. We might have to send a rescue mission into the apartment soon. Some of the toys are on the floor behind the sofa. Poor things. Any volunteers? I'll take the lead.
  17. Incredible is the word. Most people when they awake look like a disaster area, yet Nina manages to look beautiful no matter what. OK, the dreadlock hair extensions she had sometime ago were not a good look, but since then... If the girl could bottle that little bit of magic she has, then she would make a fortune.
  18. Kira is up and out quite late. Around 11:30 their time. As I think it is her day off still on Thursdays. I expect to see her back before too long. Nina still in bed, as Kira failed to get her up today, which again is why I expect to see her back. So about the nerdy bit about the light. You can see what I mean about blown highlights by looking at the ceiling lights. They too are overly bright from the cameras perspective. Nobody's lights at home are that bright.
  19. With many thanks to Stncld316 for coming to my rescue once again and pulling my nuts out from the fire. Cheers!
  20. Hi Roksis. How are you? Nice to hear from you again. I truly sympathise with you. Kira is one very special lady. As for giving her more? I think there are many on C C that feel that way. Like you say, they have a genuine true love for each other. Which is why some of us on here find their relationship so captivating. I know it is almost impossible to find another girl like Kira, but there is always hope. You never know, the girl of your dreams may be just around the corner. I wish you all the luck in the world, that you will soon find such a strong and enduring love.
  21. Let me try to explain about the bright light. The cameras have a low dynamic range. This means blown highlights and loss of detail in the shadows. It's the nature of the beast. In reality, to the occupants of the apartment, the light does not look that bright. In fact to the human eye it might be quite dull. They may be wondering what all the fuss is about. If they know anything about it at all? That being said. The positioning of anything in front of the cameras needs to be addressed. Unless they watch themselves on rlc, (and I know for certain some do). Then they may not realise there is a problem. So it is up to rlc to contact them direct. Because we certainly cannot.
  22. sorry did not mean to quote it twice. Kira has always been a Wonder Woman, in more ways than one. She has an inner strength that should be the envy of us all. She dotes on Nina, because she Loves her with her whole body and soul. She has a beautiful and kindly soul. You can see it in her eyes if you are lucky enough to see into them. Georgeous deep brown eyes...
  23. 19:00 The girls have just popped home. Nina to change her top. They were stood in the hallway together, all smiles and happiness. Nina began singing along beautifully to a song that Kira was playing on her phone. The best I've heard her sing in the apartment before. Wonderful.
  24. Kira had a really good nights sleep. Up and out to work, followed a little time later by Nina, who hardly slept at all. So looks like they are both out for the day. I Hope they have a good time. Catch them later perhaps.
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