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Status Updates posted by Aussie_oi_oi

  1. Hi Moo's,

    You might want to an eye on Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #31 as it's on the 30th Page and will need to be closed  soon.

    Cheers Aussie   

  2. I'm currently been in Hospital for the last 11 days and heaven know how much longer. The Nurses are truly wonderful people. I totally honor them.

    1. nack


      Wish you all the best.Have a speedy recovery !!

  3. Is VHTV a porn site?

    1. Morrison


      If not a porn site. What is it? 

    2. Amy3


      Um, yea! Like 100%, there is no question about it. Do the test if you don't think so.  - hat tip @SierraTM - Slightly modified. You'll have your answer in no time. All of these voyeur sites, including CamCaps are porn sites.

      "On your own verified Facebook account (if you have), put up the link to the Voyeur-House.tv website and ask all your family and friends if they think you are watching porn."

    3. Aussie_oi_oi


      Amy3 that would be like coming out to your family you are gay!!!

  4. Hi Mate,

    I sent him a message earlier saying the same thing and saying sorry. Also said in the future if he had any questions or needed help to message me.

    Cheers Peter

    1. jimbo4


      Nice one mate..

  5. Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies on this site.


  6. It's Friday afternoon in Australia and very hot. I've finished work and time for a cool beer. Wondering what you'll be doing on this Friday afternoon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aussie_oi_oi


      Yes please send me the details by PM

    3. Alma_BigAss


      Envíame tu un PM que a mi no me deja

    4. Alma_BigAss


      Veo que no tienes interes, se lo daré a otro

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