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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Guess there wasn't a section about 'Not Smoking in the Apt.' then.
  2. Morning, Noon, or Night doesn't matter. She gets it when she wants it.
  3. I love watching this little Knob Gobbler go at it.
  4. I think her Horizontal & Vertical Lips are smiling.
  5. As I've stated before, that Alan is one lucky dude. The real winner here is everyone; Them, Us, & VHTV.
  6. I have no problem with this scenario. No matter how slow they take it, I'll stay tune in.
  7. Love watching a woman lounge around in her undies.
  8. Plop goes the condom, Bopp-ity Bop goes the Knob Gobbling!
  9. I'm getting leg cramps just watching them cramp their action all on that poor little couch!
  10. From their last sexing at KPLP, it didn't look like Eric had trouble 'getting it up' or Layla 'being tired'. Sure, something is going on behind the scenes. All I want though, is to see those Beautiful Bouncing Blonde Boobies again!
  11. I'm glad that special Box is still grinding on her date (victim?) there on the couch.
  12. It's an Aphrodisiac! Look how many times this one's been in the saddle.
  13. If that's the case, she needs to wear the uniform!
  14. Yum, Yum...Food sitting out for a day always hits the spot! And then you're praying to the Porcelain God!
  15. Awww...I think Misty has found that One to fill her Special Niche.
  16. Most folks respect other's space. Some just got to see what's hidden behind that cabinet door. Go figure!
  17. Margaret's Knob Gobbling is on par with Bree's.
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