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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. That was quick. Guess they're heading back to Lisa's.
  2. Feast or Famine folks. Was nothing happening for a long time and then, BOOM! Sex exploded across several realms at the same time.
  3. I hear alot of moans & grunts. Sounds like Misty is getting serviced good!
  4. Another successful Hot Cream Buns Delivered at this Realm. Thanks!
  5. The way he was getting touchy feelie at M &T's, I knew this was about to start.
  6. Still copping feels, but don't expect much more after this long tuned to the TV.
  7. He tweaked Misty's breast earlier & she gave him the brush off.
  8. Maybe shirtless is getting too forward with the B-day girl?
  9. Really should lighten up. Not many guys lucky to have such a Hottie as Nina warming their bed. IMHO
  10. Why do I feel more could have happen if Mr. Smiley wasn't in the middle?
  11. Busy hands had me wondering if more will happen soon.
  12. To the Birthday Girl, I hope all your wishes come true!
  13. I starting to get frustrated with the Buffering with the Cams.
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