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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Wowsers, I think that's the first action I've ever seen in that place. Keep it up!
  2. Maybe they're there to talk about the activities of her stuff animals.
  3. I can't get enough of those thick, tasty nipples!
  4. Multitasking does include Brushing your Teeth while rinsing out your VaJa! (AND! I got this in the right forum finally!)
  5. If only this would play out like we hope it could. Possible, But not Probable.
  6. Oh this guy is way too shy to show his wet willie to us folks. Misty don't look very happy either.
  7. The Blanket...it's moving. Gonna have to see if we can't donate transparent blankets to Misty.
  8. Makes think about Sushi for dinner this evening.
  9. Good to the last drop. This couple is wacky & volatile, but they are rapidly becoming my favorite to watch!
  10. He tried the Anal Probe, but I think she balked.
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