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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Just love these Bathroom Cams. Breast view possible!
  2. Looks like they are waiting for the main event.
  3. Sound deduction. I'll buy that. BTW, Nina has a cute outfit on.
  4. They don't look to be heading out anytime soon. If not them, then who will be the 'gay' couple visiting Edda?
  5. She's only walking out with her purse. He with his bag.
  6. RLC was the gateway for me. That's where I first became aware of these type of sites. Nelly was my fave, but I found a few other ones just as endearing. Then I stumbled onto CC & had my world opened up. VHTV hooked me with Layla (Yes, I'm a Boob man). I blasted open my wallet & haven't regretted a moment of prem with VHTV. Here's the kicker for me, its the great conversations & sharing that happens here in CC that I find makes the voyeurism of watching VHTV fun. Funny moments shared, different opinions visited, & just a nice feeling of being with like minded pervs.
  7. I would love to have this Maid Service in my home.
  8. It may be a great Saturday night of fun after all. Heck, Alan may lose his cherry if they go back over to C & T's
  9. Shame to leave such a High Performance Model idle for so long. I had a naughty thought that it would be very interesting if Mira got her hot mitts on Alan. Now I know that it's not likely due to different mgrs, but think how she would dominate that boy!
  10. Has Henry been absence all this time? Bet he misses her 'Cooking'.
  11. Make-up, Hair, & getting dressed. Wonder where the party is at tonite?
  12. What we need to do is send them some Bree underwear &....
  13. You can hide, but we'll see you in the archives soon enough.
  14. Looks like he got his 'bath' & now ready to exit. No IR on Loggia? That's pretty useless.
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