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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. There was a bit of snow a month back as one girl went out and made a mini snowman but yes it seems constant and a few views from some of the balconies just recently have shown clear blue skys.
  2. Would leave a sour taste in your mouth after. I see hes back in HIS room with Gina.
  3. Snook out and got dressed in the hall for fear of waking Meg...😁
  4. So Is Radi, she took her pants off with H and C. Girls together and all that..
  5. Claire doing a great job of grooming..sorry helping Radi expand her social life...next stop Curly and Zak. Doesnt look like she drinks alcohol? A cheap date she brought her own yogurt and tomatoes. Party moved to Nellys room
  6. Leave it there it was only karaoke in the living room and that just made ears bleed and small animals take cover.
  7. That describes me..i am available and if it was H or M the pussy licking would increase...TBF Viewer numbers would plummet and RLC support would crash with complaints but i would give them the best 5 mins they have had in ages.
  8. Curly back..again...and he is letting Gina use his room, what a guy!
  9. Who is this new happy Radi ? Two nights out, looks happy and relaxed with either C and C or now with A A M. Good onya, nobody bullying you, which no matter what you think of Sera, that is what she is now doing. As above, its shite in her apartment, pretty much a prisoner in her own room. Talks with Ari but i don't think they share common interests. To me for her to enjoy her time she either needs to move or have Sera move. She can just take the cash, this is true, but when shes not bored and down she is more entertaining to us the viewer. Thats my thoughts, right or wrong.
  10. Yeah, Megs is out of it, not sure about Pam but i think Holly might have learnt from the New Year mistake..depends on alcohol or "chemical" intake. Perhaps a Gina spit roast?
  11. English not British... Allow me to translate🕵️‍♀️ Hello Sir, That is a great idea, I can do that no problem.😁 Thank me later
  12. Yeah Radi dropped coffee/ was tidying it up but Sera had a dig, probably about the fridge and not to touch her stuff (guessing but educated guess) and Radi went into the lounge and muttered to herself. That was just bullying....then Sera straight up to auntie Ari to moan > bag pack go...Pleaseeeee..
  13. Gina back without the locals, bets on they show up later..and will zak try his luck in the villa with one of the girls.. That would be entertaining for 5 mins
  14. Back up...no sign of blood so it continues...Although it looks like we have lost Ari, shes small so not always easy to spot..🕵️‍♀️
  15. Radi in her room making eyes at the camera whilst licking a yogurt pot, Sera bitching to Ari in Ari's room. Just went off.
  16. Yeah i was surprised to see Holly out of bed in the AM. Meg looks like a return to bed before she passes out.... Might have other plans later hence the early start
  17. Meg and Holly in the fitness room, Holly bouncing freely, Megs looks shattered after 5 mins. Can tell ones a leftie and ones a righty as doing opposite to each other. #stalking mode active today
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