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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Face timing, or in this time, pussy timing her fella in Italy. Long story...
  2. Waiting for the stripper to turn up? No idea, Holly on cola, Meg on fanta when she finishes her Rocco show, Gina left ages ago prob to get Curly the others sitting around like a teen disco waiting for permission to dance. Edit Only one looks like having fun is Radi
  3. Would be funny, more so if he turned up with a girl, even better one that hasnt been on RLC. Then all over her like a cheap suit, winking at the Cams...I would track him down and buy him a beer.
  4. Before my last sub..the time i had before it was bedrooms i think.
  5. Will still be their before Alberto, and they will stop to pick up L and M... In fact i will prob beat him there, just putting my coat on now
  6. yes if you are looking now its opposite the portable heater
  7. thats to the left, main door is next then the lift i believe. Cost you a $ for Noldus to confirm 😉
  8. no it does not show it, the floor plan shows steps straight in front the camera is angled , floor plan shows a wall, reality is a door
  9. 2.9 just to the right, will see a door and when its open some stairs
  10. Boggy is setting up the party in the garage, H and M stopped on the way down to check in with him
  11. Jerry Springer... They always chanted Jerry Jerry before the fight between the people confessing their sins. Need popcorn to watch a good fight... sera v clare v radi part 2. No Ari to referee either
  12. hopefully hes in jail and being turned into someones bitch...Best not drop the soap...
  13. Curly has been gone a few days? Mr Noldus, for a $ can i ask you when he was last mooching off of B4?
  14. Radi home so maybe thats why Didnt end well last time so could be a "Jerry Jerry" popcorn night ahead
  15. OT C and C in B1 so they arent coming..thats a good start 😁
  16. Not much prep work going on in B4 if thats where it is. M and H doing a bit of cooking, meal for 2, Pam has barely moved , Gina not looking bothered. Will see, maybe its away somewhere else
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