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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. When they are crying they are not doing anything to each other 🤨
  2. Good, hope its with the point of her foot connecting with her arse!
  3. So Radi is now a prisoner in her own place unless she goes down and basically calls Sera out? Ari dodged a bullet...
  4. total bitch, could see it coming, now at least Clare is with Radi.
  5. Could be a food run, i dont think she got a nap this afternoon and can sleep 20+ hours a day Depends if she got any sleep last night on her away mission. Perhaps tucked up in a hotel and well rested?
  6. my bad..Yeah B1 Didnt see her leave, if shes got any sense will slip back in undercover, shes tiny so might get away with it.
  7. C and C in B4, Sera guests as Ari is out? Be a fun surprise when she gets back
  8. Should of had the taxi driver drop her off at the airport..might of got the hint. Countdown until she goes to Ari to complain about someone/something...
  9. Not seen Holly this happy in ages must of been a good night 🕵️‍♀️
  10. Shes fighting the bottle, not opened yet but a phone break might restore her energy and thirst.
  11. Not sure of spanish, must had some understanding living there, English to her fella so guess no Italian
  12. Bit silly leaving at 10pm with a curfew in place, maybe someone outside to pick her up..good luck to him/her otherwise another night sitting around bored.
  13. 😁😁 Def a booty call but i doubt it him...if it is he just made hero status
  14. Perhaps popping over to see Alberto and the dogs..they bonded well last time 😛
  15. Will be over by the time she gets there. Did eat earlier so maybe not bothered, just ready for the after party...new sound system so karaoke to come perhaps.
  16. Fills the glasses of others up, take them a drink, cheers, swigs hers, moves onto the next one. Must be a bottle ahead of the others...Needs her party early before Curly rocks up and summons her to HIS room
  17. That would be funny. Nelly in the left bed and Martina and Boggy in the other.
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