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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. i asked her to stand on one leg and wave..still waiting...even offered her a truckload of tomatoes but still nothing
  2. I thought that 3-17 cam would be the"smoke" break as no mic so no way to eavesdrop, not that i understand a word.. The odd time on Megs balcony, they dont seem to worry about the cigarettes not being over the counter corner shop brands 😉 so maybe a party debrief? Or Boggy saying to them OK enough's enough you girls stop fucking my wife👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
  3. I think Alek has took to using it, more so in the last few weeks, but she has also starting staying out at night as well. Impending departure? Boggy slipped off for ages in there, might be he has duties but ok that is something that happens, BUT the way they went outside the kitchen to "smoke" followed by collecting nibbles and drink to slope off then to the garage for 30 mins sits bad with me. The mic on cam 2.9 picks it all up even with the door closed. Seemed like it was planned and so a off cam meeting/brief. Suppose better than going UM
  4. Thats better, all to the garage, need a good glass of wine with your smokes..😒
  5. Tv back in Megs room, just tidied up so maybe all in there after for a tv night?
  6. Outside the kitchen is the new garage, Can just hear some mutterings on cam 5-3, but back now i see
  7. Alek left with a bag, took a few supplies from the kitchen..maybe gone to feed the ducks in a park somewhere...Or .....
  8. Hooooray..TV is back..that means karaoke..Im out of here..this is why i have replay....
  9. Asked the same but Megs appeared in the kitchen, it looks like just outside as that doors open
  10. I vote it to be A and C together then Curly gets the pick of the litter...reach rounds all round 😁
  11. Have they stuck off to the garage, the two blokes wandering around looking lost, Alek on her bed..the rest AWOL
  12. OT Just found myself watching Malia...slapped my self as it turns out she is real and not just a dummy moved around the apartment. Masha...When the cat gets in the tub and just sits their staring between her legs...so many thoughts...
  13. From how they got changed good chance Holly and Gina giving their rooms to the couples, maybe 3 up with Megs? Would be funny to have a couple in Ginas bed and Curly turn up and get in...See who gets anal this time 🙈
  14. When Holly had a friend over for a weekend she was covered in bruises and again it wasnt rough.
  15. Claire..starting the moves....will end in ..tears/fight/puking/ Must talk in English for A as you could here "good moves that" said
  16. In the garage watching the party on a secret monitor waiting to jump out and catch Boggy in bed with Carlos... Prob thought better of it and gone to other friends houses.
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