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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Heart = all of them... Head= Nelly spare bed Edit Depends on what time Boggy has set the power cut timer 🤨
  2. Boggy off..giving everyone hugs... Get on the wine girls...or the bottle of gin in the kitchen
  3. Not unless curly rocks up and i dont think Gina is going to let him have a run at anyone. Will be fluffy PJ and cards later.. Edit in... Holly didnt hang around, back in her room
  4. And curly with some more bottles...maybe Claire with the toys....watch for the UM to come back on....could even be a garage meeting with the Parents to crack the kids heads together.
  5. Radi having another try at a bate, its like torture, about an hours warm up...who needs the foreplay..straight to the money shot.Crack on with it FFS
  6. ok, but still on her own, not with a couple of mates, or even talk before leaving? Went out to buy junk food yesterday on her own, i would of expected before that a Megs im popping out want anything? But who knows, TBH i dont care as long as they kiss and make up with baby oil and vibrators later...but not too late i might have to work in the morning
  7. Megs left with Alek, Holly left about 20 mins later on her own, which might not mean anything but def an atmosphere there. Gave a good stare into the Cam on her way out. None looked like overnighting so TBC
  8. Thats about as far as its got in an hour. No need for foreplay when your on your own. Batteries must of gone on the vibrator, should go see Ariana and borrow one of hers they are always ready to go.
  9. Cannot work out what the other nutjobs doing? Looking for his balls by the looks. Might find them in the bin if he looks hard enough. Hard to compete with that footlong dildo she shoved up last night then proceeded to dance around waving like trophy.
  10. Strange setup..one guy wandering around naked, other guy sulking in a bedroom, women plotting what the next move is whilst pretending to do hair. Lost me i can go mock others elsewhere
  11. Taking turns in the kitchen. Gina back down with Curly top and woofed something down. B and N after..clearly not impressed with the state of the kitchen and she went off on one about near the fridge. Out of shot but the floor...sniffed the food on the counter, that met with disdain...wonder if its a follow on from the outburst this afternoon? Or just shes miserable bitch?
  12. Shes speaking to him at least, not sure hes actually listening though but mumbling some replies
  13. Might even be coming up for that time in the month and just feels a bit shit. See later if there is any mixing..i think a full on lezzie romp is off the menu though.
  14. Trying to imagine the position he would have to be in for that to come true..not easy, but doable
  15. Well i stand corrected, did she cook and eat it in like a min or save it for later? Didnt call his Majesty down or take him any so maybe will just be warming it up later?
  16. yeah noticed that. Megs normally sends Holly a sms or something to say grubs up but she chucked on a jacket over the PJ and popped to the the corner shop for shit basically. Sat in her room and not quite sulked but stand offish....hasn't done the fitness room, Megs went out , alone, back knocked up food and back in the room. Who knows..prob nothing ..see if their is a meeting later or a huddle round the TV
  17. Yep..why>? because he can Also goto his woman cooking his tea for him, maybe only for him and she can serve it to him. Eat after... Hope its bean based to get some good farts going later. They could try blowing that fuckin candle out in front of the cam.
  18. Maybe not but he has landed on his feet with the villa and to upset the cash cow wouldn't do him any favors. hes slipped into a nice comfy position and if he pissed off a "paid" tenant his time of freeloading could end
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