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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Martina is showing off last nights bruises to someone on the phone
  2. There was wine..women and song so i suppose that is true 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
  3. More arousing but yeah ,,Megs is cute but needs a right good fuckin as we say round ere...Shame her fella cannot visit. She would have a few bruises to show the others ( in a good way i dont mean he beat her..or farted in her face..)
  4. They do that i will dump them like its hot..Those L and M girls look interesting and playful...
  5. A few things like that show true colors. Holly gets the TV back from Megs room whilst Megs just sits there The time Holly was down, Gina is the one to comfort her, her BFF really isnt someone you want in your corner when you need it
  6. If she does its a shame but with a bit of luck we will see her again. Needs to up her game then and get another conquest in.
  7. I hope she doesn't leave , that would be a shame but with the layout its not possible to bring in any fresh meat unless B and N are shifted, or Gina moves but shes a cash cow so unlikely.
  8. Yep 3-0 at home, could go for a full house., i think she needs to get some away games in now...Martina and Ariana must be on the list 😉 I do like her, even just siting outside she goes get the other two towels as its a bit nippy. Dont think either H or M would of bothered. First to clean up last night on the stairs. Bubbly girl and seems to be having fun
  9. Nice to see Megs/Holly and Alek all together, outside yakking, no bitterness and resentment ..now if they could all make it back into the house, shower and then earn some new shoes and a bag tokens it will be a good Saturday
  10. Maybe Boggy will drop it off later...rumours started early today...🙉🙊🙈
  11. Yep..thats life. Happy in my sad ways. Must find that clip of Nelly on the bed with two other girls..see how that worked out for her..oh wait...
  12. Comparing bruises now, a few war wounds, Holly cut her foot falling up the stairs but seems to have survived , good job Alek was there to nurse her back to health.
  13. I enjoyed it, do enjoy a good Lezzie session, see far worse . Pay my money and all that. Haters gonna hate i believe is the saying. If fact if they get paid by the number of views i am going to keep it on repeat let them earn off it.
  14. Going to make her their bitch!...still reckon it will end up her asleep on the spare bed...unless the garage has been resupplied with happy substances
  15. Tv reclaimed by Holly to the lounge. Megs sits and watches her do it, lazy mare! Strip karaoke? Best with the sound off i reckon
  16. Holly went to her room to put knickers on!!! That cannot be a good sign unless its strip something and its a delay tactic
  17. Megs ran out to take a call, must be the fella Hopefully shes got permission to go balls deep in one of them later
  18. You are not right! 😁 More of a PAYG site that one..bit of a specialist request.
  19. Works for me as well. Holly seems to have cheered up but i still dont think shes spoken to Megs, not like before but hopefully i am wrong
  20. Alberto is sitting watching the villa on his TV, and got camcaps running on his phone.
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