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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. Has she lost it? dancing around with the big one hanging between her legs? Using it as a microphone? Her fella in the lounge yakking with another bloke?
  2. If Holly turns up at HQ covered in paint then i will be upset..she could of been in the bath with A and M washing it off...or phoned ahead got them to wait....
  3. Covered in body paint? Did she go out like that? If not that must of been a fun afternoon!
  4. N and B in the lounge, Megs back in the kitchen but her BFF is still out there wandering the streets..not shown up at another place yet, although Ari is still unaccounted for. Alek is back and must have a show to do...Gina at Curlys? News just in..Alek in Megs room with wine and strawberries, is this her seducing Megs? Think she could just cut to the chase given the history together
  5. Gina as well as the other sign is a lack of taste , dating him must count 😁
  6. Boggy took the drone out to try and find the rest of the flock but returned without them. Will be a garage meeting later to see why the trackers are off. Wonder if Curly has a key yet? Gina needs to hurry home she will need to cook his tea , bloke will be starving having been awake during the day. (unless he got a nap in round some other birds house) Rumour starter out....
  7. He is gone now, might be Ginas time to goto him but then it would cost him money unless she makes some sandwiches and a flask for him
  8. You have spent a little to long studying that by the sounds, a very accurate description 😁 we should compare notes
  9. i didnt watch that closely, he prob did anal on her so might be a bit messy up there after. Not sure shes an A2M girl
  10. from what i can gather off replay...M gave A relief with a vibrator, H watched then H went to her room and rubbed one out, bit of a waste, not sure A is quite ready for a full on lez but is getting there. Left mid morning on her own, not back her hers yet. Gina was with curly in the morning, had food together for sure, not sure when he left but i doubt its the last of him. Didnt check for substance abuse but the bottle of liquor they knocked back in the kitchen prob didnt help. Gina in her room all day, H and M gone out about 230ish Edit in Bogdan was there in the morning, missus still awol although nobody except the forum seems bothered, Alek no idea
  11. Radi having little rub. Not quite going for it yet , practice makes perfect ..keep going...
  12. oh god it looks like the karaoke box is about to get a run out. replay will do for me i can edit out the squawking Edit in..its still in Megs room, my mistake . Its the poker set, either way i think the last 30 mins of the football will be better
  13. Has he been invited to the half time smoke break? Ari hasnt noticed the others have left as shes half asleep on the phone.
  14. Well i "hate" to say it but 10pm has come so i guess Cinderella isnt going home and gets another B and B c/o RLC
  15. Alex could move down, Gina opposite and curly top at the end, the fact a spare chair was sourced surprised me that they didnt come in. I doubt it would cause that much friction, they all shared the kitchen for an hour or so.
  16. With L and M MIA and the 4 some team not going at it we need these lot to buck their ideas up and as nicely put by a fellow poster get lezzin up...
  17. It does look that way, seems odd to set it out and Alek is away from the others.
  18. I worked with a Ukrainian Engineer and his tolerance for spice stopped at Mcdonalds sweet thai sauce, that got a sweat on his brow. Its not for everyone thats for sure.
  19. still playing spin the bottle in the kitchen. They did eat earlier before the tribe started cooking but seems strange as Boggy went and got a chair from the fitness room just to give them the two spaces.
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