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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 2 hours ago, Sophia_2 said:

    Hi) it’s Sophia. No one pays me anything lol.😂. This guy is average at sex and definitely not good looking, but he is really smart (he is a famous doctor) and it gets me going. Never had a better conversation about medicine with someone before. I guess I’m sapiosexual (if that’s what it’s called).

    Oh so you are only interested in his mind eh wow, well just for interest you will find his mind further up his body :biggrin: enjoy.👍

    • Haha 2
  2. 3 hours ago, refazer said:


    interesting discussions may take place elsewhere. About a much more important part of their life that they allow us to follow and who believe me is much less boring than you think. I'm still amazed that you still follow the girls (since RLC) but hey you have the right to be bored. I find that seeing a couple live in a classic way is interesting from a sociological point of view. Among their many occupations they call VHTV (after RLC) their voyeur project. I agree that the house is a bit big, and yet you haven't seen the huge garden.
    J'espère que la traduction google sera correct.

    I don't follow them i just take an interest in how people like yourself seem to have such an obsessive attitude towards them which at times i find hilarious. Why would i be interested in the garden anyway ::)

    • Haha 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, disneykid said:



    9 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    It always has been. Only since they have been with VHTV

    When they were with RLC they were always having friends staying and things going on and was always worth watching now it looks like they have been transported to a different universe. May i add they were always then very loving towards each other and not afraid of showing it.

    Whether the advent/explosion of phones and other electronic devices are just making people boring in general, the sad reflection of society i think especially with the younger generation as they are just becoming vegetables.

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