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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

    You are truly blessed. Harris is a cute name. I'll be making babies very soon whether Guy is ready for them or not

    About bloody time too young lady you won't regret it i can assure you it's the greatest gift you can have believe me. 👍

    Having said that in later life one does has second thoughts sometimes and one thinks what the fuck have i produced :biggrin:

    Only joking really :heart:

    • Haha 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

    no eye contact, no kissing, no cuddling, no touching, she just laid there and took it. to me it did not look like she was enjoying it at all. 

    Quite agree, you can only view what happened and you nailed it. Wasn't even any movement from her or reactions at all. Could say more but think you get my drift. And her reactions when finished said it all really. 

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  3. Another old faithful arrived for the evening, may help keep Roger company :biggrin:

    Am surprised how many of them seem to be able to disappear from the cams in this apartment often for quite long periods. It looks as though Roger sleeps in a sofa bed or something under cam 4 which is out out of sight as well. Obviously the apartment layout could perhaps not be showing all which is there? Dunno?

    bandicam 2021-07-23 15-21-16-251.jpg

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  4. 52 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

    Heidi is still moving her hips to the same rhythm that Scott and her had going when they were fucking--When Stephie fucks Scott it always seems like she is reluctant --Even though Stephie is the prettiest girl in the house I think Scott would be much happier if he was with a girl who actually showed she wanted him physically

    Do you honestly reckon if any of these girls didn't depend on Scott for a roof over their heads they would even give him a second look, probably run a fucking mile. :biggrin: needs must eh ::) Oh yes, forgot the cash in hand as well :biggrin:

  5. 6 minutes ago, Mira&Henry said:

    It does not matter for me. But guests do not have contracts and we do not have their permission in law case. If guests will subscribe any documents with verify its will be difficult to have any guests

    Henry, are you finding more and more guests do not want to be on the internet or not have sex on line?

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