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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 42 minutes ago, squish said:

    Guest girl still sulking a bit. Playing footsy with our black friend. Now that would be something to watch.

    Yeah had noticed that too but thre wasn't any facial expressions or indications from her to suggest anything more really but do agree would be nice to see.

    One thing i have noticed, and liked to see in recent years, is that there is no aparrent colour predudice amongst the younger generation which is good and many more mixed relationships.

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  2. On 7/20/2021 at 11:54 PM, BabeRed said:

    Yeah, I like her energy, she has nice ass

    She's got a dam nice body tbh and not all skin and bone like so many are yet not over weight. We have managed to see most of it in bits but that dam pussy is still eluding us :biggrin: Strange no one has given her a name yet as she is often there now. I refuse to give names now as everytime i have it's been the bloody kiss of death for them :biggrin:

  3. 22 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Exactly. Without the archives the site would be pretty much dead especially with the mediocre content nowadays. People are naive when they think videos won't be spread all over the internet. Nobody can effectively prevent that. But if managers think VHTV does not do enough to prevent spreading it is on them to make pressure on VHTV management...

    You say it all in just the highlighted text.👍

    Once anyone puts themself on the internet, for whatever reason, they are immediately public property whether they like it or not. To think anything else is, as you say. either being very naive or just plain stupid. People will always copy stuff and there is nothing you can do about it. Yes you can stop downloading of files which many do but you will never stop copying.

    As far as archives are concerned tbh i hardly ever use them and do agree with Henry that it may be better for the tenants piece of mind if they were scrapped and the timeline extended from the current 24hrs to possibly 48 or 72hrs. A week is probably a bit too long in my opinion. I have often missed watching something i had seen on CC by just a few hours and would welcome an extended period. 3 days might just be a good compromise.

  4. 3 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Just remember the sofa of Nina & Alan after George fucked Serena there 😂

    Lol yeah they did get some guy in with a cleaning machine but it would still have soaked down into the foam fillings.

    Doesn't bear thinking about really, then again Mira & Henry's sofa in their 1st apartment got a good soaking as well :biggrin:

    My bestest favourite tenant Allison also did a bloody waterfall on her sofa once :biggrin:

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  5. 48 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    It might not be a bad idea when you look at the amount of guests there to make a separate guest girls topic where we only post a photo and the name of the girl and not more comments. 

    Must admit don't visit here very often always seems to busy with body's everywhere lazing around and cams are shit anyway. 

  6. Just now, Dave 27 said:

    Possibly we were blindsided by the pair of them after their very hot session in Stifler's bathroom a few weeks ago.What I don't get is why does she even bother visiting him?The thing is if Stifler set her up in an Apt. Turbo would never be away and she then would have to make a tough decision. I dunno,we'll see. 

    Yeah a rather confusing set up i must admit yet sometimes they seem to hit it off ok and other times she looks bored shitless or completely uninterested. Then again she's a woman, says it all really :biggrin: Seems a bit immature at times too.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, life+90 said:

    I think she didn't want to leave the project. She just didn't want Turbo. She wanted to hang out with the guest men when they came home. But Turbo was too shy and boring for that. Oxy last chose to go with another man and then came back alone. She comes to visit Turbo every now and then. The last time I watched them, Oxy didn't want to have sex with Turbo. I hope Oxy joins VH with a new guy.

    Turbo's got as much charisma and get up and go as my koi in my pond :biggrin: unless disturbed of course :biggrin: 

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