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Everything posted by upyourass

  1. DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are these real ?????????????
  2. Hahahahaha...still love you comments mate !! keep it up 🙂
  3. tnx for that...that made my day already 😉
  4. Hahahaha...du sollst ein Buch uber "die Faulenzer" Schreiben. Ich muss immer Herzlich lachen uber deine Kommentaren....macht so weiter bitte .........hahahaha....... TOP !
  5. Another intelligent comment....................................you know all ages around here ?
  6. Saw it ones, reported it and never watched that Appartement again......thanks bro ...great advice !
  7. Seen that before and even have it taped........makes me sick and very angry. There both still baby's and dont need this kinda sex in my opinion. Hope RLC kicks them out before the younger viewers think this is normal sexual behavior....it isn't !
  8. Damn...I always thought Linda had the biggest Tits, but now I almost fell over these ones....DAMN whats her name again ?................
  9. Always loved the twins...they really know how to party.....shame that they moved in to an Appartement which doesn't grant access to freebies ;-(
  10. Well its hard living with an autistic guy...........(almost) not working, look how he peals/washes potato's, cooks a meal....everything goes so precise, thus sooooooooooooo sloooooowwwwww.........she deserves so much more than this moron !
  11. Hahahaha....I thought I was the only one noticing that strange behavior.......or licking the salt of the potato chips before eating them, or sniffing her fingers after she scratches her muff, or..............................strange girl 😉
  12. Strange girl but a great ass.... 😉 (Image Content No Longer Available)
  13. I taped some of it and it was (as Moos stated) part of the "sexgame". Still it looked very disturbing to me, especially (in my opinion) when you don't need this violent shit at this age. Subject or not, you could see she was not oké with some of the shit he (literally) pulled on her! Not reporting (for now) but if I was RLC......he's a goner fur sure !!!!!!!!!
  14. What an asshole...he smacks her in the face, spits in her face, Can I get some "quality time " with this moron ? CC get rid of this guy and Varvara....lose him before this get worse....and it wil !!
  15. Hahaha..you are right....those gif progs all have a max of 1 minute and she came at around 1:30, she even looked at the camera if we saw her cumming 😉 Here finally a link from the WHOLE thing.... https://mab.to/S0pxds8Mk
  16. hmmm I see the best part is missing during the upload...here is the one with the very short happy ending 😉 gotta look close though.... https://nofile.io/f/QguATO2paY4/bandicam+2018-10-14+11-56-35-481.mp4
  17. Short sneaky bate by Linda......gotja 😉
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