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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. You just can't accept that you are no longer relevant to this forum, can you?
  2. Amy, you are letting your paranoia show again!
  3. Possibly true but either way it is not worth wasting any more time on.
  4. Sure Rob and it has been a much better one recently with no one trying to stir up trouble, even with the crap VHTV has been serving up!
  5. You should never have stopped taking your medication!
  6. Why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person?
  7. OK Amy, heard it all before!
  8. So the reincarnation of Amy3!
  9. I wonder if it will Beverley's turn next time to have a guest?
  10. Sorry Jabs, I don't get the correlation?
  11. There's something about this girl that reminds me of Ruby
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