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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Why don't you go back to your basement and carry on gazing adoringly at your pictures of your beloved Fuehrer, the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler
  2. Don't think Pence did himself any favours by continually ignoring/talking over the Moderator.
  3. The guest couple have too many clothes on. Turn up the heating!
  4. In the swing lifestyle 2 girls together is not considered the same as penetrative sex, which is what most agreed rules are about.
  5. Which men has she fucked since she got together with Alec? I can think of a quite a few before Alec came along but none after.
  6. Most couples, whether they are swingers or just in an open relationship, have agreed rules on what can be done and what is not permitted, the same as couples in monogamous relationships also have their own rules. In any relationship if one partner breaks those agreed rules then there most certainly will be a reaction - ask John Wayne Bobbitt!
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