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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. The halo transferred to Alec last night, probably only on loan though!
  2. I can only remember Em being actively involved in one 4some and one 3some ( Em, Sid and Sia)
  3. At least this time Alex wasn't to blame, he did nothing wrong unless they had previously agreed he wouldn't fuck the guest girl!
  4. But the truth would not fit his twisted world view and he might have to come out of his mother's basement for the first time to verify it!
  5. What do the last few pages have to do with the Election Debate?Just seems to be a frustrated Nazi venting!
  6. Yet another megalomaniac German, gives Germans a bad name!
  7. According to the BBC Trump spoke - surprisingly perhaps - less than Biden, with around 38 minutes, compared to 43 minutes taken up by the former vice-president. Extra time was added due to interruptions. When it comes to interruptions, however, the president cut in some 73 times. (In 2016, the fact that Trump interrupted then-rival Hillary Clinton 37 times at one debate raised eyebrows - but that was then, this is now.) Trump also got the lion's share of follow-ups from Wallace, with 15 compared to Biden's four, and had 14 rebuttals to Biden's nine. Wallace also pointed out to the President that he had agreed, indeed they both had, that there would be no interruptions when the other person was speaking
  8. jjkopite

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