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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Most.. or pratically all (talking about comments here at CC) there was "action" yesterday... and nothing... "action" today and nothing... 
    Can't understand why serena don't get friends or invite "old" ones to here.. she had never problems on that .. last fuck she had to go to edda&joe house to meet with the guy 

    Maybe they have run out of ideas and no new scripts have been written?

  2. 1 hour ago, thedbear said:

    Not that Serena is important and special.

    Nina, Alan and Serena have equal weights in this set. It is only up to them and especially the bridge between them, Alan, and to be conscientious with responsibility and seriousness in this.

    Separate project needs from real affective relationships.

    Both Alan and Nina have low personal reserves and lose the line with a certain ease and without reason (between both).

    Serena is more centralized in herself and can overcome this. Even being the intermediary of conciliation to the conflicts there. She cries, looks in the mirror, breathes and surpasses.

    That is why she is special. She does not have at any moment in any other Vh project a "force" equal to her or near.

    But it is getting to the stage were most people are losing interest in this apt.

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