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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Their orgies always feel a little awkward to me. Both Henry and Mira put so much focus and attention on the guest girl and the guest guy kind of looks like he's out of place and left trying to figure out how to fit in. This isn't the first time I've seen this from them.

    I would say Mira has taken care of him nicely :blush:

  2. 13 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I see less than zero chance of that happening. There's more of a chance of seeing them with different guys than seeing the two of them together, and I don't ever see any of that ever happening.

    Well they are comfortable with each other so who knows? 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    This is a very interesting comment. I know you meant to say "aren't" true swingers. 

    If they are only doing it for the money then they are definitely not true swingers !!  I was in the lifestyle for over 10 years and everybody I ever met would be likely to react to being offered money to perform by hitting somewhere painful very hard.

  4. To the majority in the lifestyle the thought of being offered money to play would be an insult. Most swingers (not all!) are open to being observed as part of the fun so why would you want to insult them? If they are only willing to do it for money I wouldn't say they are true swingers, just professional sex workers! 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Sorry, I'm just a bit sensitive after the Stella thing. Very often people seem to think that I think I run the show around here. I don't see it that way at all. This idea that I've somehow changed and I'm not person that used to be is true but there are reasons for that and trust me you all have changed too. Waldi mentioned consequences. Yes, it's true, having the talent be visible created a situation where we now have a relationship. With relationships, rules emerge and feelings have to be considered. Imagine trying to have a conversation with one friend while 19 other random friends are standing there. It complicates things and can make them think differently of you, so you have to be careful what and how you say things. I constantly fuck up and then feel  bad and even try to quit because of it. I get called out for changing, but it's really not just me who changed, we all did. Go back in time and just read the stuff people used to say in these forums. Really nothing I said in Stella's thread or Ana's thread was anything that hadn't been said a thousand times before. This idea of fakeness and scheming for views. Even many of you have made the same comments! But now, because we know that the talent are there reading every word, saying such things is now considered insensitive and if you step out of line, you'll be reprimanded for it. I do it to people too. Someone tries to say something negative about Violet I'd be on that like stink on shit. 

    So, where does this leave us? I ask you.

    Amy, you say things because you care, not to provoke a reaction like some. If we didn't invest in people and their relationships on here it would get very boring, very quickly!

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, zoifan said:

    Hopefully it won't be that complicated.

    Allan used to reject vaginal sex with anyone other that Nina. Now he fuck Serena like a rabbit on a weekly basis. That is a  improvement that we might see with Edda as well. 

    Yeah Alan looks really interested doesn't he - not !!

  7. 39 minutes ago, zoifan said:


    Great performance from Serena.

    I am hoping Serena start working on Joe and fuck him. That way Edda has the green light to fuck Allan. Allan have had a great progress since summer and he has sex with Serena regularly and he fucked the other girls as well.

    The possibility of  Edda+Allan get getting real, we just need Serena act as a catalyst and fucks Joe.


    I suppose George will have to start working on this script next :dodgy:

  8. 28 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    I think you guys should whatever makes you and your guests the most comfortable.  Perhaps your managers or VH could invest in cameras with better NV. Personally, I found the action last night so entertaining that I really didn't notice the camera quality.  My question is to Henry.  Hey guy, just how sore is your anus this morning?  I know watching you mine puckered up last night..:biggrin:  Anyways, you if and your guests are not relaxed and comfortable then the mood and action will certainly suffer.  I think we can live with just about anything except hidden sex or covered sex.  Fortunately that has never been a problem with you guys.::)

    An awful lot of good sense spoken here, I agree with everything (apart from the anus quote :cry:) written.

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