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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 25 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Yes, I thought of that. Perhaps I will. I really am sorry for saying the things that I said here in this forum. Something happened that really curbed my view of things and I then focused my anger at Stella and Stephan because of it. It was wrong of me to do that. I understand that everyone here is just trying to make it the best they can. Some more successfully then others. That's just life and the nature of this business. VH really does have a big heart and I know that they go out of their way to take care of their family of tenants and managers. I took some misinformation and tried to ram it down VHs' throat and tried to chase Stella and Stephan down behind it. I now know that I was wrong. It's VHs business to determine the boundaries, not me. I need to learn yet again how to enjoy the view and not be so worried about the downsides. I'll just leave it at that and ask you guys to forgive me again.  :heart:

    Always :heart:

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, fasterboss said:

    It looks like we're back at Lisa's apartment.:biggrin:

    well you know if lisa took the pictures of grant on the wall of the room:dodgy:

    hopefully he will not come back, or lisa will have cheated him::)

    Hopefully this apartment is now back on track, we just need Chloe to do her part :angel:

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  3. 22 minutes ago, zoifan said:


    Ok, I think I misread the reason Ana and the guy went out for one hour in the middle of the party.

    I think Ana took him out to explain the terms and conditions offline. Once the guy learned that there is no chance of sex unless he has to fuck on camera, he decided to pass on the nude sex.

    However, he had no chance  against Ana's will and he ended up doing what Ana wanted him to do... well almost.

    He did everything in his power not fuck Ana.  it did not work.


    There is no question in my mind that Ana is totally over Rock. She is done with him. I am absolutely not buying  the Rock's memory in the apartment idea . Not sure if  Ana even remembers Rock's name in two weeks.


    Now here is the big question:

    Is Ana looking for a committed relationship   or  casual hookups?


    Hopefully to just have fun ::) long and often :biggrin:

  4. Just now, miscvoyeur said:

    Lisa has always liked when guys take charge. I'm under the impression that she just got bored of Grant and wanted to fuck someone that actually knows what the fuck he's doing. Will be interesting to see if she's still with him or if they broke up.

    I think she has just found out what she has been missing.

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