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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 25 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Except one (now) the others are "normal" houses... but the last one is really small... a small bedroom, tiny kitchen, shower and that's it.. (and with the exception of that one - Paris, the new one and 50% of other, no cam shows... all the houses where tenants where doing cam shows was put offline on camarads, but keep doing the shows there)

    Its been a while since I bothered to look on there, since they bombed the forum in effect.

  2. 7 minutes ago, pahman said:

    In my last message i said that maybe Lisa and Chloe will share a two bedrooms house.

    Then i thought it may also be that they're leaving because they can no longer pay the rent (meaning not enough viewers)

    If that's the case, they will go to a smaller house instead. 

    Could you get smaller than the one they were in? Cardboard box maybe?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Don't know if could be that but they could have decrease the quality to see if buffering stops 

    Think you could be right about that, quality does seem down but at least is loading and visible so better than nothing.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Well i guess they was giving that answer on first tickets... then they must have received a thunderstorm of tickets and think that could be the "possibility" after all from being from their side :biggrin:

    I even gave them 3 different error codes that all said it was their servers causing the problems.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    And i agree... but that's nothing to do what i said about the above example.. i talked about one member complaining many times and nothing is done, unless you want to keep complaining eternally about something that they don' "care" or give you reason on that.. the logical tells ok, so i will stop watch the apartment where this happen

    Always a choice.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    If the situations keep happening after you had send a ticket about any issue that you didn't like, what do you think you have to do??? Sending another ticket??? and if it still continue??? another ticket??? 

    You are stuck in a spiral of ever decreasing circles and eventually disappear up your own ass !

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  7. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Answering that (even that it's copy paste) means that they know the issue... they can say that they will talk with the tenant and don't talk or not saying that and talking... it's something that i don't "need to know" because i don't know if it will really happen.. The purpose from who had opened the ticket is done..  

    Very true, a sensible response as normal from you. :smile:

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