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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 1 hour ago, Robwin said:

    Yeah same problems here ( am in UK too) stuttering, ghosting you name it i have it, a right bummer. Had a reply from a ticket i sent earlier with the usual crap about clearing cache etc. Its their network that needs sorting.

    Getting to be a waste of time sending tickets, just get the same reply back that the fault is on our side when its the servers that are causing the problems.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I still didn't expect her to go balls out on sex so soon (then again I wasn't expecting to see Freddy fucking Maria so soon). To be honest I'm not sure I was ready to see it tonight anyway. I rather like watching the seduction attempt from Maria and I have faith that some kind of progress will be made in the futre. Not sure if it's all purely for cams or if there is a genuine attraction but for now I'm just enjoying the show.

    Besides, I think it's better this way anyway. If Maria would have fucked Mari tonight then there would be nothing left to surprise us with later. I like the anticipation, as long as it's not done like what Masha/Sasha/Dasha are doing. Those three are just ridiculous.

    There is nothing as bad as M/S/D on VH thank God, they are just so fake !:dodgy:

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  3. 32 minutes ago, Arkay2 said:

    After what seemed an uneventful evening, it ends with tears.  It came after reading a long stream of short messages and I wonder whether Lisa is being bullied or abused verbally by possibly former friends who are now aware of her current lifestyle. Such comments can be extremely distressing and make you feel very alone and vulnerable. It is a pattern I have noticed for one or two other girls in VH whereby a flurry of phone DMs provokes upset, usually the younger ones who are not long out of education or are still in further education. Hope it is not as serious as perhaps I am imagining. :heart:


    Or they could be from Grant?

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