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Posts posted by jjkopite

  1. 4 minutes ago, Koach said:

    Where does the bitcoin value come from.  Am I going to mine bitcoins simply to hold them for sale to someone who wants one but doesn't want to mine his own?  It was said in another post that the value was 8,000.  What if I want to use one to buy something for 4,000?  How do I get change?  I don't know if its a Ponzi scheme but it sure resembles the classic tulip bulb fiasco.  India is wise in outlawing all this but it may just drive it underground.  Its going to collapse at some point

    A soccer player recently got 0.375 bitcoin as part of his signing on fee. :confused:

  2. 5 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    She had her own apartment with a bloke called leon until recently when they were chucked out as he was getting abusive to her, have seen her with him since on their apartment rounds but not seen him for a few days now so whether she is still with him god knows.

    What I meant was after losing the apartment, he may have had a place to go but she may not have had so housesitting was a good option for her.

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