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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. No ass is nice. It's only 2 cheeks with a hole that shit comes out of.
  2. That means the apartment will soon close down unless Martina decides to stay with RLC.
  3. Maybe Fiora never called her to say her male friend had to go find his dick.
  4. Such childish arguments get deleted. You're only entertained until then.
  5. Dating apps are for the ones that are desperately hard up. It's like Sin meeting up with Sin.
  6. Today Admin has optimized the database. Since the optimization things have improved and are running a lot smoother and quicker. This should reduce the amount of outages we have had recently where things got boggled down throwing the site offline.
  7. We started the forum for VHTV on our own, they have no further power here. The only thing I did was follow their commands on how they wanted the topics set up as they wanted the forum board to look different from the other forum boards. There were certain individuals that kept pushing things further to keep certain posters from posting but that will not happen again. I'll be doing things my way. If they don't like how certain individuals post they can ignore the member and not see the comments they post. There are still posters that are on the VHTV forum that still do come to Cam Caps to take a gander around and ones that feel they want to come back to Cam Caps and post we'll accept them as we do every other poster we have on the forum. Once posts start flowing into the VHTV topics others will take notice and hopefully follow.
  8. The only way to get them back is have others try and encourage them to come back to Cam Caps and post where they wont be censored for what they post as long as the forum rules are followed. Last time there were certain individuals who kept trying to keep certain ones from posting but I'll make sure they don't triumph over me again with their demands.
  9. Place your pictures in the picture topic and they wont get removed. The only time they are removed from the picture topics is when the DMCA drops the ball on them.
  10. As I stated long ago, Porn Pictures are not meant for the apartment topics. You have your section to post them in they do not need to be posted amongst the apartment topics. The GIF box in the editor i have no control over how others use that since it's part of the posting process if one chooses to use it. If I see any porn pictures amongst the apartment topics I remove them.
  11. Posts have nothing to do with it they're only in kb's. Back up processes are intensive and can take a lot of resources. I don't know how often that's done but it's probably quite frequently. That's when it starts backing up MB's , GB's and TB's of data. All the back up processes are done by the server.
  12. The system slows because some processes uses up most of the systems resources. It shows on the Cloudflare message the cause is likely resources hogging up most of the available systems resources and to contact the server. The underlying issue has to be found before it can be corrected.
  13. I have notified Admin on a couple of occasions about the system being slow and he was supposed to be looking into the matter with the server that provides the service. Sometimes clearing the systems cache helps resolve issues but it only helps if it's accessible as if the system gets too slow then it will only time out and go offline, also I am not on the forum till sometime in the afternoon hours. There is a new forum software in the making with the developer but when that's going to be released is unknown, but will likely be sometime throughout 2024.
  14. Very long time relocations usually means they will not be returning.
  15. I know nothing has started yet. I am just stating do not start it again. You just stated yourself "I don't bring my alter ego's out often nowadays, but whenever I do each one of them is more than capable of putting you in your place as history has proved." That's why I stated what I did as I will not put up with it again.
  16. I am telling you right now DO NOT START this bullshit all over again.
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